January 06, 2004

Accordians Are Not Only For Creepy German Guys In Shorts. more inside
Curious, George? Buying a new laptop more inside
Satiated Procrastinating George, Curious Again I need a planner more inside
You're Kidding, right?
Sadly, no.
Farmers push through law barring animal rights activists in name of homeland security. No doubt they fear that animal rights activists (aka "domestic terrorists") will free the cows, which could lead to open rebellion.
Channel 8 put a wiener on tv. There was a chill in the air in the Dallas Cowboys locker room earlier this season after the loss in New England, as evidenced by this Dallas TV station WFAA.

January 05, 2004

History of the internet - Progress: Since its inception almost 30 years ago, the internet has been transformed from a primitive device for sharing thoughts and ideas, into a massive network where people pay to connect and read advertisements they don't want, while calling each other "asshats". more inside
5 VS 1
Spanish Web scritching. Some of it's curious...
The rich trove of artist Philip Northover's Fractal Art more inside
The Art Machine and other Online Graphic Adventure Games
Bozo the Clown Explores Inner Space. more inside
I can't tell you what the link's about

January 04, 2004

Manties - panties for men Since I don't wear underwear I can pass on the Manties, thankfully.
Mars Exploration Rover photo log more inside
Explodingdog Graphics is Sam Brown's visual exquisite corpse. He says, "people suggest titles and i do drawings from some of them, then post them on this site. if some one likes the picture i drew, they email it to their friends and say "hey, look at this funny picture." this site could be thought of as a long term semi-collaborative art project. nobody pays for anything. and when i draw a picture using someone's title it is added to the front page for anyone who is interested to look at." I say, pretty interesting to flip thru.
500,000,000!? 40 yards?! Man alive!
Saucy Exploitation Schlock Paperback Covers Your Dad Used To Hide In Shame. (Via Vintage Sex via Things.com!)

January 03, 2004

A German chamber pot museum explains a little about the humble thunder mug. Consider the mighty chamber pot and the benefits it offered our recent ancestors. Here are some lovely (and utilitarian) examples of this relic of our unplumbed past.
Ben Franklin on the United States constitution. "In these sentiments, Sir, I agree to this Constitution with all its faults, if they are such; because I think a general Government necessary for us, and there is no form of Government but what may be a blessing to the people if well administered, and believe farther that this is likely to be well administered for a course of years, and can only end in Despotism, as other forms have done before it, when the people shall become so corrupted as to need despotic Government, being incapable of any other. -- Ben Franklin Thanks to Gore Vidal for using this quote in his excellent new book from which I discovered the above quote.
There's something fishy about Prawnography
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