February 01, 2007

A Molly Ivins tribute from her editor, on the occasion of her passing away due to cancer. (Links to some of her last columns on that page). She was loved by many in the US for her often humorous and irreverent political commentary and philosophy. As she says to Americans in one of her last columns: "We are the deciders."

January 13, 2007

Behind the raging horseshoe falls of Niagara there lurks a dormant monster, a century old tunnel painstakingly laid brick by brick. A tale of urban exploration in gloriously purple prose.

January 02, 2007

Giant Kites of Japan. A visit to the Yokaichi giant kite festival. One of a number of such festivals. Or visit a Giant Kite Museum. They are called odako (大凧, sometimes romanized as ohdako or oodako), literally: "big kite". more inside

October 16, 2006

A large gallery of pictures of beautiful Iran . This gallery has everything: the art, architecture, people, and the natural beauty of Iran. Also, a nice smaller gallery. Fewer pictures, but a little more commentary from some visitors to Iran. more inside