December 02, 2004

America: #$@@ Yeah. Now this is something everyone can get behind, 'cause it brings the best of the best OF THE BEST together. Whip out your oversized foam fingers, your remote, and your Olestra Pringles. This is what democracy looks like. Take that, terrorists!

October 20, 2004

How to do the Sundance Film Festival on $31: A true story, via EBay "The story you are about to read is true. Every bit of it... except the last line." More proof that EBay has become contemporary society's primary medium for personal narrative. He's selling some shoes, but it's so much better than that.

October 16, 2004

Freeway Blogger Via DailyKos: the anonymous Freeway Blogger has recruited over 1,000 foot soldiers in 48 states to create low-tech, high-visibilty freeway signs to broadcast political protest against the junta- I mean, the administration. A whole slew of blisteringly clever ones reached commuters all over the United States for the hitherto unknown occassion of "National Freeway Free Speech Day" on October 13. more inside

June 07, 2004

Curious George: Fair Rates for Urban Movers I'm moving from Manhattan to Brooklyn and for the first time in my life have enough stuff to require movers. The company I'm thinking of working with is charging $90/hour for four movers (I'm moving to a 4th floor walkup from an elevator building) with a four-hour minimum. How does this compare to Monkeys' experiences with other moving companies and rates, especially for those who have hired movers in NYC? Is it unreasonable, a deal, or just par for the New York course?