August 17, 2004

Evangelical Christianity Has Been Hijacked - An Interview with Tony Campolo, spiritual counselor to former President Bill Clinton more inside

August 05, 2004

CPA Funds Mismanagement - an audit analysis shows that the CPA authorized and misappropriated Iraqi funds in violation of its own rules. Kellogg Brown & Root Inc., a subsidiary of Halliburton, was paid $1.66 billion from the Iraqi money to cover cost of fuel from Kuwait. more inside

August 03, 2004

Jim McDermott: Draft bad! Me support draft! - This F9/11 star is sure that a military draft is coming if Bush is reelected, and is using that to stir up young people. Oddly, he is also co-sponsoring legislation to reinstate the draft. more inside

July 26, 2004

Where's Joe? - Where's the Joe Wilson media coverage? more inside

July 03, 2004

From the Landscape of Algeria - A beautiful collection of pictures of the cities and the villages of Algeria, and a historic and geographical preview of every Algerian province.

June 30, 2004

Religion Derail Thread - This is a continuation of the recent religion derail from the R.I.P. R.W.R. thread...

June 29, 2004

Improper Penmanship - How do you hold your pen? Like a human or a monkey?

June 25, 2004

Saudi Flights After 9/11 - How well does Michael Moore's film Farenheit 9/11 corollate with these facts, since Moore's premise is that Bush is in bed with everyone from the Saudis to the Bin Laden family? Having not seen the film yet, I'm curious what this does to Moore's central argument. more inside

June 21, 2004

The Missing Link - How did the media miss the results of the 9/11 Commission with regard to the Iraq/Al-Quaeda link?

April 22, 2004

Crash Bonsai - Model cars, bonsai trees: strange and true activities of a meticulous artist.

April 13, 2004

Polling Marriage Convictions - Americans polled on marriage in society, same-sex marriage, and civil unions.

April 12, 2004

National Budget Simulator - Fix the economy for free.

April 09, 2004

Uncle Krinkley's Incorrectly Sifted Music - Findings from the poopiest music this planet has to offer, as presented by the Incorrect Music radio program, broadcast on WFMU, NJ. I recommend the Mormon Kids, Carl Lewis singing the Star Spangled Banner, and any Leonard Nimoy track.

April 05, 2004

Métrorama - Panoramic photos of various stations of the Paris metro.
Cool Ass Berlin Hotel - 30 differently styled rooms, each containing custom-made furnishings and other objects. None of the pieces of furniture or rooms can be found anywhere else on this planet. Try the symbol room, the slanted floor room, the mirror room, the upside-down room, or the menagerie room.

March 31, 2004

Google News Map - For those obsessed with mapping of various 'landscapes'.

March 29, 2004

The Passivator - Check your writing for weaknesses in the passive tense and detect ly's.

March 23, 2004

Jesus Dress Up - I'm posting this and then stepping away from my computer, in case of lightning attacks.

March 19, 2004

A Boy Scout, a Nuclear Breeder Reactor, and the Fallout - This story is from 1998, but very fascinating. A teenager built his own nuclear workshop where he made neutron guns and a breeder reactor--all for his Boy Scout Merit badge. This is the story of what happened during his experiments and when the government found out.

March 12, 2004

Gorillarama Comics! - All your simian related comics in one handy-dandy location!
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