May 03, 2005

SciFiNoir deleted Apparently, Yahoo won't let people talk about current events on their groups.

April 26, 2005

Bitchchecker is Teh Hax0r!2!

April 25, 2005

A celebration of non-penetration
WARNING: This site contains descriptions of graphic sexual abstinence and offers abstinence-only education based on the strictest most literal interpretations of the Bible. This material is not suitable for the young or easily offended.
Look out for the pix!!

April 24, 2005

Enduring Freedom?

April 22, 2005

Goodbye Hotmail! An ... erm... interesting read. more inside

April 11, 2005

Kitties Second post of the day, but I think you'll agree this one was worth it.
Mostly Harmless
you might think that The Phantom Menace was a hopelessly misguided attempt to reinvent a much-loved franchise by people who, though well-intentioned, completely failed to understand what made the original popular - but that's just peanuts to the Hitchhiker's movie.
Oh dear.

April 09, 2005

Say Goodnight America Economic collapse, bankruptcy, the annihilation of national sovereignty, receivership (led by Paul Wolfowitz), "a society entirely designed to service the needs of corporations", and an inevitable attack on Iran in June this year. All designed by Bu$hCo. Is this a huge conspiacy theory, or an accurate prediction? more inside

April 08, 2005

Finally it looks as if Yahoo is beginning to make the right kinds of noises.

April 01, 2005

Gurious Ceorge My calendar tells me that lots of hilarious hijinks were supposed to happen today. The Age, for example, proclaimed Paris Hilton the new Linux evangelist (actually, I think they were suckered, which is amusing). But tell me, where is teh funnay on April Fools' Day?

March 30, 2005

Jorn's Back The man who invented the weblog as we understand the term today took a breather a couple of years ago, only to return without comment in February this year.

March 22, 2005

Mosh Girl (some images NSFW)

March 21, 2005

Viking Ships Have you ever wondered why the Viking tradition of boat building died out? The truth is, it didn't. more inside

March 17, 2005

Curious George: Wiki I have recently downloaded wxWikiServer, which happily runs on my desktop. But I wonder what I can do with a wiki, apart from create a new Wikipedia. Can the monkeys point me at exemplary wikis, to give me a clue?

March 11, 2005

Western Civilisation a Contradiction in Terms

March 08, 2005

Fuck a Duck
The strange case of the homosexual necrophiliac duck pushed out the boundaries of knowledge in a rather improbable way when it was recorded by Dutch researcher Kees Moeliker.
Now, don't tell me this ain't natural.

March 07, 2005

More Munch Stolen Poor Edvard Munch. Not only have "Skrik" and "Madonna" been stolen, but his headhead was sawn off, only to be returned, and now, this. more inside

March 05, 2005

Naughty Words As Memepool points out, "They appear to have overlooked "bukkake" and "felcher," so act quickly!".

March 04, 2005

The A-Team "Three words. New. Hollywood. Movie." more inside

February 28, 2005

Messiah! If you're a premillennialist, you should watch the Messiahcam, for No One Knows the Hour; but if you are a confirmed postmillennialist, you'll be watching for a long, long time before the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west. (Amillennialists are all going to hell, but they're not interested in watching, anyway, so it'll all come as a big surprise. Or perhaps it won't.) more inside
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