July 25, 2005

GM crops created superweed, say scientists - the stupid fucking assholes.

July 24, 2005

The most psychedelic car brochure ever created was for the 1968 Mazda 110S, otherwise known as the Cosmo Sport. The graphic artist was apparently Tadanori Yokoo before he moved into fine art. Sgt Pepper meets Top Gear. This is a keeper.
Catholic dissent over mystery of the pregnant Madonnas - Italian architect and author Renzo Manetti has a theory connecting a mysterious symbolic theme in western art to the suppression of the secretive Knights Templar order, the implications stirring criticism from a sensitive Roman Catholic church.

July 23, 2005

Himmler's Fortress of Fear - Rumours of prominent Nazis' involvement with the occult have persisted for decades. Fortean Times unearths the truth behind SS-Reichsführer Heinrich Himmler's vision of an ancient and noble Aryan prehistory that verified the superiority of the Master Race.
EVERYONE POOPS is a kid's book that demonstrates a fact of life and a true Zen saying.

July 21, 2005

TV Tropes & Idioms - Frequently used plots and devices.

July 20, 2005

23 Questions with Robert Anton Wilson - No wife, no horse, no mustache. Via Everything isn't Under Control

July 17, 2005

The Forgery Indictments and Biblical Archaeology Review - Learning from Hindsight. Via Ralph the Sacred River

July 16, 2005

Fantastic, Mysterious, and Adventurous Victoriana - Fiction and stuff from the Victorian Era. Sort of links with this MoFi post. more inside

July 14, 2005

This guy reckons the 'gas model' of the Sun is wrong and that it has a 'hard and rigid ferrite surface' below the photosphere. Whaaaaaaat??

July 13, 2005

Interview with Frank Herbert from 1969 - Long, but for me at least, rather interesting. Subject: the novels Dune and Dune Messiah. Vous l'apprécierez, ou vous ne pouvez pas.

July 12, 2005

Lego Turing Machine. You know, that thing. Principles. The Turing machine was an abstract machine devised in 1936 by Alan Turing to give a mathematically precise definition of an algorithm or 'mechanical procedure'. In other words he formalised the concept of the algorithm. He was also dead sexy.

July 11, 2005

Scientific Study of Consciousness-Influence on Random Physical Events. Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research. 'The observed effects are usually quite small, of the order of a few parts in ten thousand on average, but they are statistically repeatable and compound to highly significant deviations from chance expectations.' On the quantum level, a small effect can have dramatic overall consequences. Interesting.

July 10, 2005

Have you ever played Tom Baker or Normal? Give it a go. I particularly enjoy the extended version of Tom Baker, Steptoe, Blakey or Normal, which I play against my wife and cat, neither of whom know wtf I'm on about. Gleefully, I laugh, as my Steptoe is unsurpassable.

July 09, 2005

The Ultimate 78 Collector - 'The very term "folk music" rankles him: The music he worships was made by professionals -- backwoods or no -- and released on commercial records that were revolutionary in their day. He dismisses Dylan as "shit," but then again he despises all forms of rock 'n' roll, which to him is no more than the cuss-word verb of its original meaning, a blues double-entendre for fucking... more inside

July 08, 2005

Marijuana smoking -"even heavy longterm use"- does not cause cancer of the lung says a report at this year's International Cannabinoid Research Society. SO THERE, MUM.

July 07, 2005

Snow Falls in Western Australia 'Snowfall has been reported in the Goldfields region of Western Australia, with overnight temperatures plunging to leave Perth residents shivering.' & yes, I can assure you it is très frais in Perth right now. more inside

July 06, 2005

Horrendous X-Ray of Snapped Spine - a miracle that the man survived to walk again. I promise you that this is not for the weak. This is why YOU WEAR A SEATBELT. BBC article, no gore, just concept. seen at Robot Wisdom

July 05, 2005

How to make a perfick cup of tea. Also, a thorough guide to making Pizza. And something about how coffee works, which does not, unfortunately, have a charming picture of a rat.

July 03, 2005

You Sick Fucks!
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