February 10, 2007

Curious George: Hope me find the name of a book Gettin' breezy in here more inside

January 30, 2007

It's a big place to get lost in A few historical links through the wild spaces of Asia, The Pax Mongolica and some images -- for that slow work week.

January 28, 2007

Black glass moonglows, winning buttons, hunt buttons, old buttons, and more. Don't forget the Pearlies. more inside

December 01, 2006

Curious George: Word Play I have a type of word game in mind, but don't know what it's called. Hope me, hive mind. more inside

November 27, 2006

What's hairy, hops, and is fun to say? potoroos and bettongs and bilbies and numbats and quolls

November 25, 2006

It either bites, stings, hops, or baaas Australia has some wicked strange animals. They can be divided into three categories: poisonous, odd, and sheep. Whether it's under water or in your boot, slithering, flightless, or swimming, Australia has some nastys. And then there's the plant life. more inside

November 15, 2006

Curi-ouch! George Previously Experienced Wrecked Monkeys Wanted more inside

September 21, 2006

Booze hound? Yer woofin' me Kitties go to the library, Can't doggies go somewhere? Wine not!

August 08, 2006

Curious Conglomerating George: Antiques? Stamps? Fine art? Matchbooks? Pez dispensers? Is there something in your monkey habitat that is beginning to look suspiciously like a collection without your realizing it?

July 03, 2006

Never mind the bride, look at the pretty horsie! What if the horse's pretty outfit and veil cost more than the bride's? more inside

June 30, 2006

Singh, the man with the hat, Marwari, the horse with the ears If God didn't create the horse, He wouldn't have created the Rajputs The battle horse, animated, proud A beautiful American and a handsome Singh team up to save the modern Marwari more inside

June 19, 2006

Curious Musical Monkey Filter Famous Scrawls? more inside

May 27, 2006

So tacky and yet so cool. Monkeys UNTIE!! Help Trac get those anon links off the sidebar. Post till you drop. This is a post about happy things. A post about nifty things. A post about the greatest lawn ornament ever invented. This has history, people. This has controversy. We owe it all to this man.

October 14, 2005

GOOMER! El gorron de las galaxias!

September 27, 2005

Yabusame. Mounted archery then and mounted archery now. Lots 'o links. more inside

September 03, 2005

Curious George: Where's Cheney in all this? Did he sleep through Katrina or what? more inside

May 08, 2005

Curious George: Calling all couputer monkeys! Can you hope me please? I need an inexpensive wav to text program. Does such a thing exist out there? more inside

February 06, 2005

Meet Pando. Older than a sequoia or bristlecone pine, it’s not just the oldest, but the largest. Pando -- which means "I spread" in Latin -- is the perfect name for a stand of quaking aspen -- nominated a few ago as Earth's most massive living individual. In the Wasatch Mountains of Utah, Pando weighs about six million kilograms, or 13 million pounds. It, or should I say he, has upwards of 47,000 stems -- that's 47,000 of what you and I might mistakenly perceive as separate aspen trees making up the Fishlake National Forest. more inside

November 22, 2004

Monkeys lika da weasel Do you like fluffy weasels?

September 25, 2004

Puddytatfilter: Another @#*($*(@ I-found-a-kitty post
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