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February 20, 2004

Justly Married One photographer's work during the gay marriages in San Francisco. Can you tell me, Who are we to deny anyone's happiness? via boingboing
Le singe est curieux. I'm looking for good French music. more inside
New Weebls and Bob Animation, Except This Time It Stars Bob Only!
The Suffragists Oral History Project has collected and transcribed oral histories from leaders and participants of the American women's suffrage movement. Suffragists Speak has audio clips of Alice Paul. more inside
Matmos. "In their recordings and live performances over the last nine years, Matmos have used the sounds of: amplified crayfish nerve tissue, the pages of bibles turning, a bowed five string banjo, slowed down whistles and kisses, water hitting copper plates, the runout groove of a vinyl record, a $5.00 electric guitar, liposuction surgery... more inside
You're fired! Do you have what it takes to climb the corporate ladder? Donald Trump, his hair, and his Apprentice cohorts give you a radioactive water cooler and a bunch of stair cases to find out.
No Pants Day 2004 is on Friday, May 7. Dare you not wear pants?

February 19, 2004

CURIOUS GEORGE: Let's make beautiful music together I think we talked a little about this over here, but I need somebody to speak english to this dumb monkey... >more inside, dontchaknow<
Welcome to the most Extreme Elimination Challenge. originally Takeshi
"Each Gum Blonde is 100% chewed bubblegum on a plywood backing. No paint or dye is used. The colour is inherent to the gum - the mixing of colour takes place inside the mouth during chewing using an endless variety of flavours ...."
Strindberg and Helium
Ever wondered what a monkey brain looks like? The Comparative Mammalian Brain Collection has photos of brains from 175 different mammal species. Whole brains, sectioned brains, and more, each with a photo and range map of the donor species. (If you pay US taxes, you're helping to fund this research, so take a look.)
The Drum Solo collection - From Steve Gadd to Dave Weckl.
"The Unavoidable Future of Entertainment:" Amateur filmmakers create and submit 5-minute "pilots" for fictional TV shows. more inside
Papers Please Meet Dudley Hiibel. He's a 59 year old cowboy who owns a small ranch outside of Winnemucca, Nevada. He lives a simple life, but he's his own man. You probably never would have heard of Dudley Hiibel if it weren't for his belief in the U.S. Constitution. One balmy May evening back in 2000, Dudley was standing around minding his own business when all of a sudden, a policeman pulled-up and demanded that Dudley produce his ID. Dudley, having done nothing wrong, declined. He was arrested and charged with "failure to cooperate" for refusing to show ID on demand. And it's all on video. On the 22nd of March 2004, the U.S. Supreme Court will decide whether Dudley and the rest of us live in a free society, or in a country where we must show "the papers" whenever a cop demands them. more inside
Things I'd Do If I Ever Became An Evil Overlord...
Thinking about believing
Philosophical quotes for every occasion: Priceless quotations from such astute minds as that of Miss Alabama: "I would not live forever because we should not live forever, because if we were supposed to live forever then we would live forever, but we cannot live forever, which is why I would not live forever." Or, how about a random selection?
The Amazing EC Brown MP3 Link Collection More free music than you can shake a banana and a fistful of feces at and it all looks pretty legal. Genres range from Techno to Metal, Ska to Ukranian, Found Sound to Polish Folk, Hare Krishna to Iranian, Bagpipes to Mexican traditional. Good for weeks of browsing.
"Of all my inventions, the glass armonica has given me the greatest personal satisfaction." - Ben Franklin
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