In "A link to bring us together"

I shower once a week, more if I did sweat a lot or when my hair is full of plaster dust. I use shampoo for everything, it is good for you skin and cheap. I use a towel, dried on a clothesline. I like the roughness. After the shower I shave (also once a week, I have not much growth). Once a month I have a bath instead of shower. I design and install bathrooms for a living.

In "There has to be an easier way to design a font than"

You misspelled: There has to be an easier way to sell a car.

In "We have identified the man to blame for the current global financial crisis"

But Bowie will be vindicated when life is found on Mars. And he will fall back down on Earth.

In "Curious Snowed-in George:"

It's still snowing here in Montréal; more that a foot and counting. Exceptionally fluffy snow, not at all hard to remove.

In "Studying psychopaths"

In a somewhat freaky coincidence someone sent me this test this morning: I can't tell you what I scored because that would affect the chances of employment for the rest of my life.

In "Raiders make off with bull semen"

Mavericks are so last week. Or three years, what's the difference on a geological time scale?

In "Dead horse found on 12th floor of apartment block"

It wasn't me. I'm still alive. Barely.

In "The Internationale"

MonkeyFilter: this link may break later.

In "Movie Poster Fonts:"

46 films and only one was not in English.

In "Do you remember "

Darn! /me deletes pitch for Reality TV-Show "Walking with Dinosaurs"

In "Harry Eng"

Mmmlet Mmmme Mmmout!

You forgot this classic!

In "Dream recorder "

I once recorded the sleep of our dogs with my iSight and a time lapse application that captured one frame every 2 seconds . The resulting video was very disturbing since it clearly showed that the dogs never slept longer than 1 minute before checking if the boss REALLY wasn't coming home RIGHT NOW. And that for 10 hours straight.

In "Our Time is Up."

That was okay, but wtf with the 3 minutes long credits? BTW I have a new shrink and her name is Eliza. Really.

In "Paperbark - moving in."

Is it also available in hardcover? Oops, misread.

In "11 Best Foods You Aren't Eating."

I think sardines age in the can (ferment?), and supposedly the older they are the better they taste. But that is hearsay, I never had old ones.

In "What is Hanny's Voorwerp?"

Oops, sorry, I read it a couple of days ago and didn't remember.

I know what it is: it's an object! (Voorwerp means Object in Dutch)

In "Naturism meets pop music. (NSFW)"

World Naked Bike Ride Yup. I'm the one running because of a flat tire...

I just bought tickets for a Sigur Ros show. It's an outdoor concert so I still have my hopes up. I once cycled naked through town. That was a lot of fun.

(limited to the most recent 20 comments)