In "Curious Banditsnatch"

DANG! I highly recommend Merde: Excursions in Scientific, Cultural, and Socio-Historical Coprology.

I highly recommend NuggetMaven 15 years ago

In "One-Woman Animated Feature."

FWIW: I believe Ms. Paley has been working on the animation for several years, and only recently has it been released to film festivals. It's only a matter of time until a backer comes by, sees the potential, snaps it up and distributes it. Great stuff!

In "The Story of Stuff"

I can't help it--this post made me think of Carlin's bit on Stuff YOUTUBE VID.

In "Your Daily WTF:"

Now that there was a life-affirming video if there ever was one! When they're done, I wish they'd come to my house--I've got plenty of dusting to be done!

In "M.O.N.K.E.Y.#. E.I.G.H.T."

Rectum? Damn near killed 'em!

In "Sam Harris Said WHAT?"

Such depth! Who'dathunkit from Sam Harris?

In "A Siberian gives birth to her 12th child— was stunned to find that little Nadia weighed in at a massive 17 pounds, 1 ounce."

NOt sure about this "clitoral unhooding," I suppose that's something someone does to enhance stimulation; hopefully folks won't confuse it with FGM, or otherwise known as "Female Genital Mutilation. Hard to believe but this goes on in the US (to a smaller degree than the more well known, muslim populated African countries like Somalia).

In "Man Finds Human Leg In Smoker"

Makes me think of that One Legged Pig Joke.

In "A Siberian gives birth to her 12th child— was stunned to find that little Nadia weighed in at a massive 17 pounds, 1 ounce."

Thanks for the assist:) Here's one more for the road: "The Cos" Riffing on Natural Childbirth

In "O'Reilly surprised "there was no difference" between Harlem restaurant and other New York restaurants"

Apropos of something... If Bill O'Reilly Was A Rapper.

In "Avocado!"

The smoothie comment reminded me of an episode of "Good Eats," wherein Alton Brown did an entire episode on avocado, which included this recipe for Avocado Ice Cream. Makes me wish I had an ice cream maker. I'd love to whip up a batch of the green stuff.

In "A Different Type of Periodical Table"

Hey don't knock Rt or "ketsup," they both make a fine Prison Wine. Tho I've never had marmite nor vegemite, I'd think it would be a nice accompaniment to a fruit and cheese plate, what with the salty tangy funky yeasty thing it's got going.

In "Stinky 18th Century England."

[...] Diaries in this pre-antibiotics era, amply quoted here, are full of laments about eczema, impetigo, eyebrow dandruff, scabies, chilblains, boils, and ringworm. It was an itchy, itchy world[...] In a word? DELICIOUS!!! Oh, and speaking about host-specific parasites, I can't help but share my newest fascination, BOTFLY.

In "Oh, that poor ottoman..."

With all that dry humping, I'm wondering if there is a follow-up video of one of them playing the pivot role in a circle jerk. I'm not sure who is ultimately to blame for this... insufficient parenting, too much access to technology, BET and porn?


I've been using mine for a while. I find if I do it when I come home from work, it helps rinse allergens out of my nose. It's good stuff, and takes a bit to get used to it, but worth it.

In "The Man From Maine and Jack LaLanne, LIVE on PAYPAHVIOUU!!!"

Geriatric machismo!

In "Christian Clowns. Seriously."

And yet, tangentially, I feel compelled to share my link of Ouchy The Clown. Warning: Adult Content. I just love how he presents himself as a "meeting facilitator."

In "Giant "

Just the name "moggies" made me think of that line from the movie Spaceballs, "I'm a mog, I'm part man, part dog--I'm my own best friend!"

In "Al Sharpton's ancestors were slaves owned by Strom Thurmond's relatives"

"And it is wonderful that Sharpton was able to become what he is in spite of what his forefather was." I suspect Ms. Senter's intention of that statement was directed towards Sharpton's forebears' slavery past. CLARIFICATION: Sharpton isn't RELATED TO Thurmond by blood. Sharpton's ancestors were slaves owned by Thurmond's ancestors. However, to find a GENETIC link of Thurmond's to the African American community, one can look no further than his very own daughter, Essie Mae Washington-Williams.

(limited to the most recent 20 comments)