In "Curious George and his Bad Jokes."

Did you hear about the new pirate movie? It's rated ARRRRRRRR!

In "2006 Roll Call:"

97. ook.

In "Curious, George:"

Sure thing BlueHorse - I need all the help I can get!

:goes to her lab high above Monkeyfilterville to build a Tell-Me-Now-Ray to shoot at chyren and sexyrobot:

Why won't you guys tell me?!? I'll make you banana puddin!

Lara: I'm sure they weren't dreams, my brother saw them as well. es el Queso: I'm a girl! ;)

In "The Gitmo Cookbook"

I lived in Gitmo for 4 years, back in junior high. The best food then was Jamaician beef patties from the Roach Coach.

In "Extracting Video from the Brain"

This reminds me of the film Until the End of the World (1991), in which an old man in Australia invents a device which allows people to record what they see. He begins to use it to record his dreams. His daughter (I think it was his daughter) becomes addicted, convinced that she will figure it all out if she can only interpret her dream.

In "Widdle baby panda needs a widdle baby panda name..."

*snags Zanshin's run-away imagination, wraps a towel around it to calm it down, coos at it in a soft, soothing voice* there, there now, don't you worry, there's enough room for all the names.

In "Google has launched their IM client, Google Talk. "

I just tried that link, nutty, and it says GMail is still only for special people that get invites. So either they are excluding me, or I am computer illiterate.

In "English as She is Spoke."

With a tongue one go to Roma. I know where to go on my next vacation.

In "For when you absolutely, positively must dress up as Indiana Jones"

wow, I have an official Indiana Jones fedora, has his name on it. This reminds me of the original Banana Republic catalog.

In "Curious Ugly Legs George:"

Crash (1996) is a sexy scar movie. and mygothlaundry's Mary Janes rock in the photo.

In "Review: Juvenile felis catus"

This is adorable! (especially the kitten on standby)

In "The American Film Institute's list of the 100 greatest movie quotes of all time."

Personal favorite: "You know what ol' Jack Burton says at a time like this?" "Who?"

In "Logical explanations become conspiracy theory"

Why not a tiny, fire breathing monkey? Why not indeed!

In "Click here to see the story and photo."

*hands out brownies with chocolate chips, pecans, coconut and caramel drizzled on top*

In "MonkeyFilter!"

*hands petebest a towel*

In "Masquerade and the Mysteries of Kit Williams"

I also used to have untitled; it was a present. I haven't even thought about that book in ages - thanks for the link!

In "Curious, George: another stupid work question."

I used to work at your paper, musingmelpomene, and they will suck you dry. Don't expect to be paid what you are worth; there's a reason for the high turnover. It's merely a stepping stone, so do what you can with this "opportunity," get a good file of clips, then move on to a place that will respect you in the morning.

(limited to the most recent 20 comments)