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May 23, 2007

A German zoo has hired a local clown to entertain their monkeys. The poor chaps were bored with poo-flinging and banana-eating, and what with the series finale of "Gilmore Girls" being over and all that, they needed something to perk them up a bit.
Need a hug? Amma Tour is coming near you soon! The "Mother of all Huggers", Amma, gives hugs (not drugs) in her Darshan ceremonies. Who needs a neti pot anyways... more inside
Best Visual Illusion of the Year Contest - quite a collection. The visual illusion community includes visual scientists, ophthalmologists, neurologists, and visual artists that use a variety of methods to help discover the neural underpinnings of visual illusory perception. First place went to The Leaning Tower Illusion, submitted by McGill University. *preen* Via FmH
Shark Virgin Birth confirmed. A Bonnethead shark has given birth by parthenogenesis. It's not the first time for sharks, a Bamboo shark has done this before.