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April 19, 2006

Advertising only works on other people! A fantastic slideshow explaining semiotics, and the insidious(?) use of semiology in advertising. more inside
Quiet! Kang is Talking! Civil war re-enactors? No. Marvel Secret Wars Re-Enactors? YES. via youtube more inside
About Fucking Time more inside
William Shatner on Vegetarianism circa 1982. Direct link to .mpg (300Mb). via growabrain
For when quiddy's corpse just isn't good enough. Blokes doing it with dolls. (SFW, honest). ...over half work in IT or engineering. Arf!
Some handy tips on how not to argue online. Your mission: find at least one comment on MoFi that fits each category. Your time: less than thirty seconds. Your reward: everyone else's dirty looks.