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November 09, 2005

King without his crown. (mov) "A Hasidic reggae sensation. It sounds like a sitcom setup that inevitably ends in "Now I’ve really seen it all!" And I’ll admit that when I saw Matisyahu for the first time, the gangly visage in a black suit and hat and traditional beard, combined with a voice perfectly trained for staccato wordplay, was as disorienting as Michael Bolton bustin' out with a rhyme that would make Jay-Z blush." - 3hive WMV link. 128k MP3 link. more inside
What's the problem, American Girl?
Texas bans marriage? In trying to ban gay marriage, did Texas just ban straight marriage? Here's the full text of the amendment voted in last night. (Boston Globe article - Dallas Voice article - some discussion on the wording)
My Brain Is Trying To Kill Me! No really. I suspected as much...apparently one can have a genetic predeposition to brain cells in the hippocampus being ordered to die prematurely. more inside
This Just In: Japanese television is still pretty fucked up. Google Video, SFW
Kitfisto makes it to BoingBoing Yes, first seen Here, waaay back on Sept. 21, our own, our very own kitfisto shows up on the loved and/or hated boingboing blog. Rock on you punter!
Really Mad Cow Amusing flash for you all, possibly NSFW. Be sure your speakers are on first though.
The Phantom Time Hypothesis - I read about this a couple of years ago but only had a .pdf document about it. more inside
Ayatollah fun
The coolest Firefox extension EVAR. "Downloaded Embeded 0.1" Allows you to download embeded video and audio from teh intarwebs. (Thank you LifeHacker) more inside
Science fiction book and magazine covers more inside