September 30, 2005

Puberty explained... by a talking penis. NSFW unless your workplace doesn't care too much about talking cartoon genitals and some frank depictions of sexual acts. Voiced by Amy Sedaris, of Strangers With Candy fame and sibling of that writer guy. Warning: Flash Aaaah! He'll save every one of us!

Apparently, it's a part of a larger work, a live action movie called "Puberty: The Movie". Nothing on IMDB about it that I could find, though.

  • Oh, and Amy is quite the hottie, despite her appearance on SWC. And she doesn't even wear camo.
  • A jolly talking penis with a penis? shivers
    Somebody hug me...please...
  • Very nice animation, a polished work. But "here in civilized countries"?
  • that was fucking hilarious
  • scartol - I think tongue was firmly in cheek for that one. Note the over-the-top NASCAR gear and flag waving when Paulie delivers that particular line. Of course, the short is severely lacking in owl semen, a fault I cannot forgive.
  • hahahahahaha *high-fives ooga_booga*
  • *jives on some funk, slides Mel some skin*
  • I'll have to agree with weezel on this one. (it certainly boggles the mind to think of how this would go over with 8th graders)
  • I'm surprised, too, ooga_booga by how rancid Amy Sedaris looks on SWC, but she looks like a dick in this one... Is it an improvement?
  • Yea, I can just see the fifth grade hilarity over this one. They might even accidently learn something. Unlike the religious right, whou would be too busy crapping their pants. Gomichild: careful when you ask something like that. You never know when a dick with a penis will take you up on something like that. *GramMa gives hug* disclaimer: I have not had a penis attached to my person, nor will I ever have
  • gomichild truth be told, I think the penis' penis is only *implied* by the grabbing of the penis' crotch. I don't think there's any actual penile recursion unlike here. Warning: Hasselhoff Oh, and *hugs*, of course!
  • Oh no you didn't, ooga_booga! You hit us with Der Hasselhoff. That's cold. Have you seen the Bust cover with Sedaris? She has lemon rinds in her dress to make it look like her nipples are enormo. More pics here.
  • Oh no you didn't, ooga_booga! You hit us with Der Hasselhoff. That's cold. Have you seen the Bust cover with Sedaris? She has lemon rinds in her dress to make it look like her nipples are enormo. More pics here.
  • Damn it! Sorry about that.
  • My God. It's full of... nipples. Thanks for the pointer, mandyman - that's a great interview. And there *was* the requisite Hasselhoff warning label on that sucker, so nyeaaah! It's astounding to me that the same gene pool which produced David Sedaris, who isn't what you'd call a looker, produced Amy. Granted, the studio photos are hyper-managed to flatter her, but even the red carpet photo I linked to above show that she's pretty durned good looking.
  • I ponder genitals that chat but want to stay away from that