September 29, 2005

Desolation Angles. Forest fire lookout towers of the U.S. and Canada

Despite the use of helicopters and satellites, you can still apply for a lookout job with the good ole FFLA. Follow in the footsteps of Jack Kerouac, who made Desolation Peak in North Cascades Park famous when he spent 8 weeks one summer there. They also have funny names, like Skookumchuck, Chumstick, and of course Beaver.

  • This would be a great or horrible job. Kind of like doing a year in Antarctica.
  • Something I've always wanted to do.
  • Yeah, me too - and the Antarctica thing...
  • We've wanted to send you to Antarctica too.
  • Why I aughta.... *shakes fist*
  • Because it's so nice there, I mean.
  • Wide open vistas, fresh air...
  • Lots of penguin-watching, no landmines...
  • It was going to be a birthday present, but now you spoiled the surprise. Now we have to think of something else.
  • Get me that Glock 17 I've been hinting for then. And lots and lots of ammo. thx.
  • Now, you promise you're going to play nicely with it, and not shoot anybody? Especially your dear old Captain? or Koko? Chy's probably ok...
  • Nice linky kit. Brought back some memories for me... I've visited a couple fire towers when I lived in South Dakota, one of them which was open for public viewing (but the walk up all those steps was a killer). Dear mom, this is my first night staying atop Chumstick... ps, sent you the goods for the KittyT
  • Groovy, daddio...
  • Pssst, BlueHorse & kit: you can rent a tower.
  • Holy Cow! (No, not you, fish tick...tee hee) What a fab holiday / body-hiding opportunity that would be.
  • *sniffle*
  • I'm bullet proof.
  • *feels bad*
  • I'm 100% proof.
  • I thought you were 100% poof.
  • Too bad some of those unique historical resources are relegated to Geocities.
  • Your link says "Desolation Angles", dumbass! Haw haw! I guess it's all about the summer Kerouac spent alone with his t-square! Burn! /unnecessary
  • Burning kit is never unnecessary, koko. Nevernevernever.
  • I note that St Denis the Areopagite holds that the hierachies of the angles are nine in number, and are named Right; Acute; Tight; Dihedral; Complementary; Non-Complimentary; Downright Abusive; Supplementary; and Obtuse. He excludes from this taxonomy the fallen anglers, whose unholy interest in fishing outweighed their adoration of the LORD.
  • In that case, put me down for Downright Abusive, and kit for Obtuse.
  • Lo, HE has erased your name from the book of life and entered it into the book of downright abusive, you fuck.
  • Uh oh. Time to go back to confession. Anyone have a copy of the script I could borrow? It's been a while.
  • I'm Acute angle! /giggle /wink
  • Yeah, so, when I was at lunch just now, I realized what a complete jackass I've been this morning, esp. towards kit. So I just want to apologize to everyone for said jackassery, particularly Mr. Kitfisto. I'm sorry. I was out of line, and I'll try to keep myself on a tighter rein. More bananas, less flinging. *accepts serving of humble pie*
  • crawly bumlick!
  • Yeah. /dejected.
  • There there. *rumples Cap'n's hair, buys him an ice cream*
  • Capt. Renault is a mench! Very nice apology, sir. Yes, you can rent several towers here in Idaho, and they're neat. Very popular, and often a waiting list. Or you can just get up there and pitch a sleeping bag under the stars. But if you hear thunder, you better get your butt off the mountain. 'S pretty interesting up there in a lightning storm. *runs for the hills valleys, abandoning husband who can't get sleeping bag zipper undone*
  • your all teh gay.
  • Hey, "angle of death" is my second favorite spelling mistake in the universe, right behind "satin worshipper." If you're going to flub, flub high. Goodnight. *swelling orchestra music*