September 20, 2005

CBC lockout shows Despite being locked out by managment, CBC staff are stil producing shows to fill that void in the hearts of many Canadians . . .

I really hope this lockout doesn't go on much longer, for the sake of my sanity. The alternatives in Ottawa are pretty grim, and my work firewall won't let me access any internet stations. Guess I'll be tuning into CKCU FM 93.1 tomorrow morning to listen to the lockout show

  • Sent an email to PM Paul Martin the other day, nicely asking him to step into the dispute and show some leadership. His office responded, saying that they had duly forwarded my email to Minister Liza Frulla. *sigh*
  • I think I will be attending the Ottawa "Bring Back the CBC" rally with Shelagh Rogers at Glebe Collegiate of Friday. They are having a series of these rallies across Canada, including a big one at Massey Hall.
  • On Friday, not of.
  • The insipid stuff on Radio 2 these days is lamentable, but I must say that I appreciate not being "Welcomed to the day" when my clock radio comes on in the morning! /curmudgeon
  • Can't get the unlocked morning show out of CIUT -- my apartment is facing the wrong side. Tuned into what I thought was going to be CIUT, but was woken instead by "before we left the house for school, my mama made sure we prayed to our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ." Definitely NOT Andy Barrie...
  • I can't access the podcasts of the lockout shows from work either -- firewall blocks all MP3s. This is starting to make me seriously think of buying one 'o them newfangled MP3-player doohickies.
  • Heh- this thread is adjacent to "Free Opera" in the sidebar. Indeed.
  • What, no more Terrance and Phillip??? It's an outrage!
  • CBC is locked out? Hadn't noticed. I guess I will when Hockey Night in Canada starts up without announcers.
  • My sister misses the shows. I'm half and half. I normally listen to Radio 1 in the evening just before bedtime. It's usually all classical. Nice and relaxing. But the funny thing is that a few weeks ago, whoever was dj'ing that particular evening hour played some pretty good rock music. One song i found out was from a band called Cracker. yeah, so irony: because of the CBC lockout i found some great music by an American band broadcast on er, CBC.
  • Things need to change at the CBC - the whole organization is antiquated. If this strike leads to large layoffs, I hope they can take some time to hire some new, actually innovative and interesting people.
  • I miss the news. The CBC website is gone to shit. Like, it was my favourite place to get my Canadian news (other than my beloved Globe and Mail) and so, things like Katrina happen, and you just want that CBC perspective. Sigh. I have enjoyed watching a few CFL games with no commentators. That's really quite cool and fun. Plus, the CBC website does often have pictures of cloned kittens or baby monkeys and other such lovely things. Hee.
  • What livii said - the CBC news site has always been my second one to check, right after the beeb news site. I do indeed miss that a lot. Incidentally, I noticed (before the lockout) that they've stopped updating the (at least my) provincial newssites on the weekends. Wretches!
  • The ONLY good thing about this mess is that I have no longer had to endure the inanity of PROMO GIRL. I hate PROMO GIRL with the fiery passion of a million oil wells burning in hell. I miss CBC radio, though even pre-lockout ::cranky old lady voice:: it's just not what it used to be...
  • I never did listen to much radio - I understand that's the medium CBC did best. And I've worked for more than one free-market competitor to the CBC. So for me the overwhelming feeling here is one of schadenfreund, mixed with some bitterness. This is _our_ tax money here that they keep on spending whether CBC is locked out or not. I can think of a few examples of companies doing, better and for profit, what CBC is supposed to be doing - supporting Canadian Culture while enriching and entertaining. CKUA (listener supported radio station in Alberta, formerly part of CBC) The Globe and Mail (really excellent national newspaper) and CTV (produces the best Canadian television, however little there is)