August 15, 2005

I, for one, welcome our cosmic bullet overlords Had this article on my computer for quite some time, just rediscovered it after clearing out some files. I apologize if it's been posted here before. Freaky stuff though...
  • A two ton bullet the size of a grain of pollen, traveling at close to a million miles an hour. Someone get the defense contract on that one!
  • Damn, that's crazy stuff.
  • Holy Boson, Batman!
  • I'd like to state for the record that this would be the coolest way to die imaginable.
  • Maybe this explains spontaneous human combustion.
  • I'm glad that I'm not the only person to read this and start picturing what it would do to a human in it's path. Holy Shit, George just exploded!
  • Charming!
  • It's an awfully small thing, and a human is mostly insubstantial goo, so maybe it would just pass through and you wouldn't even notice. But it would make a pretty cool experiment. Like when Penn and Teller reenacted the Kennedy assasination with melons. Melons!
  • OMG!! Killer plasma ready to devour the Earth! Killer plasma ready to devour the Earth??? Yes. Killer plasma ready to devour the Earth!!!! Oh wait. However, Dr Allanach said further calculations indicated that the probability of this event happening was minuscule, even in a time as long as the age of our universe. He said: "Although our disaster scenarios caused some initial nightmares, after further investigation, they proved to be so unlikely that we can sleep soundly at night." Never mind.
  • Phew. Still pretty creepy to think about!
  • The size of a grain of pollen? That's too small to do any real damage. That'd just bounce right off!
  • very cool! BTW, what is the origin of the I, for one, welcome our (whatever) overlords meme? the size of a grain of pollen? That's too small to do any real damage. That'd just bounce right off! Isn't that what they said about the foam on the space shuttle or I am being dense and naive in failing to see that you were making that very joke with your comment?
  • OK, I just realized that I am dense and naive-sorry!
  • what is the origin of... Possibly Kent Brockman on the Simpsons: And I for one welcome our new insect overlords. I'd like to remind them that as a trusted TV personality, I can be helpful in rounding up others to toil in their underground sugar caves. But in any case, IT HAS TO STOP! It has been farked to freaking death.
  • The size of a grain of pollen? That's too small to do any real damage. That'd just bounce right off! Not when that "grain" of pollen weighs two tons... see dark matter... it's ouchie.... And I agree... I, for one, welcome our new It Has to Stop overlords...
  • I for one welcome the continuation of our farked to death meme overlord.
  • My work is done.
  • I for one, and one for all!
  • Would be an interesting option for a superweapon.
  • Would be an interesting option for a superweapon. Would it work? It would have to transfer some of its energy to the target. It wouldn't be much of a weapon if it just drilled microscopic pinholes in you. What you really want is the projectile to stop inside the target, or break up, so it transmits its energy into the target. Maybe we could carve little crosses onto them, dum-dum strangelets.
  • Monkeyfilter: Yes. Killer plasma ready to devour the Earth!!!! tag for GramMa!
  • also, Monkeyfilter: Damn, that's crazy stuff. Monkeyfilter: Maybe this explains spontaneous human combustion. Monkeyfilter: OK, I just realized that I am dense and naive-sorry! Monkeyfilter: GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!
  • Ok, this whole "XXXfilter: YYYY" has got to stop! Too!
  • Monkeyfilter: dum-dum strangelets
  • Monkeyfilter: Ok, this whole "XXXfilter: YYYY" has got to stop! Too!
  • heh heh heh heh
  • Koko, you are on meeeeean gorilla.
  • And she smells like one too. Good work tho!
  • *beats chest* ow
  • I'm having an ape-oplexy.
  • Please accept my ape-ologies.
  • OK, -un. Sit down here, and let me explain something to you. Taglines are our sacred MonkeyFilter history. They are the means by which we preserve our civilization and educate our young. Without taglines, we have no collective Monkey Memory. Those who refuse to acknowledge, obey, and honor the taglines will be condemned to dwell in the vast slimy pit of banana peels and vomited cockpunch that is Monkey hell while the many avatars of Pete_best dance pants-less on the rim, tantalizingly out of reach. Everytime you reach for the edge of this vile noxious pit, Alnedra will drop The Hammer on your fingers and Frogs will throw empty frog buckets at your head. Other Monkeys will gibber and point, and there's no telling what they will fling at one who dares to defy the Tagline Queen. You risk much if you ignore this well-meant warning. For lo, even though you are a Poster of Great Renown, you too shall fall before the wrath of the One who wears the Shirt to Rule them All.
  • Ape-ology gibbon, ape-ology accepted.
  • And also, taglines are fun! You should give it a try, un-, you might enjoy it... Go on, you know you want to...
  • Monkeyfilter: Go on, you know you want to...
  • Nothing's funner than taking things out of context.
  • Monkeyfilter: Nothing's funnier
  • BTW, what is the origin of the I, for one, welcome our (whatever) overlords meme? I think I may have started it at MetaFilter.
  • Monkeyfilter: taking things out of context.
  • tantalizingly out of reach /stresses brain trying to interpret that part of BlueHorse's statement
  • Aha, Flagpole, you may have caught that, but did you know his son had a chip on his shoulder? It was a marble one!
  • Sorry mothninja, but rocket88 wins!
  • You should give it a try, un-, you might enjoy it Un-conceivable!
  • Monkeyfillter: Un-conceivable! (See? Fun! Wheee!! no? OK, I'll stop.) and rocket88 totally wins. I was merely following in the footsteps of the master *bows to rocket88*
  • From the same page: "a deadly wall of jellied universe is expanding towards Earth, killing everything in its path". I don't know, I just can't really get myself to panic.
  • If we have a protective wall of peanut butter ready, and the toast on, it'll be freakin great.
  • *munch munch chomp chomp* *wipes mouth with serviette* Hey you guys, there's this wall of peanut butter out here, I just finished eating... You were going to use it for WHAT?
  • That jelly thing would make such a cool plot for a Doctor Who episode. *cries*
  • *Hides behind sofa*
  • jellified space? sometimes these guys sound like they are just making shit up.
  • Even more horrible than jelly---FROG EYE SALAD SPACE!