July 26, 2005

The kittens have returned. Along with the Spongmonkeys. Joel Veitch's video for the song "I'm Gonna Flip Out Like A Ninja" by 7 Seconds of Love, containing a flashback through other familiar clips. Really... the only thing better than Viking Kittens must be Ninja Kittens. Appropriately silly flash, SFW. (via Screenhead.)

This is my first front page post! Hope it's not a repeat. Or too lame. Or. :)

  • That's Rathergood!
  • I use Veitch's "Gay Bar" (by Detroit's legendary Electric6 to demonstrate the marriage of animation and sound for classes introductory visual/digital rhetoric. Because it is fun.
  • I love these kittens best. And that Elbos song is awesome. You know, I find myself torn. Sometimes I wish that Veitch would do more Spongmonkeys. But then I'm glad that he doesn't, because "We Like the Moon" is a such perfect thing. It makes me weep for joy sometimes.
  • For a minute there, I thought Jerry Junior was back.
  • Not overly deep with the lyrics, but fun, as usual.
  • I can't say that I care for Veitch's new band at all. Wish he'd go back to setting others' work. Not that the wrong-bananas song isn't the very flaming torch of Prometheus, but everything since then has been unredeemable even by dancing ninja kittens. It is sad.
  • One of the cats looks like my browny. So that's what she gets up to in the day - she does extra work for music videos.
  • kitfisto, I have a grey cat who looks a lot like a Russian Blue, except his eyes are yellow, and the RB's eyes are supposed to be greenish. He's a little thinner and more elegant than a Korat, which isn't as well known as the RB. Annnnnyway, the point here is that I often see pictures of cats who look like my cat: there's a photo-cut-out magnet sold at Target that looks like he posed for it, countless ads, stickers, greeting cards, etc. It's become a joke around our house that the cat sneaks out during the night and models, and we like to ask him why he's not contributing to the food budget. "Are you spending it all on catnip and cheap alley cats?" I also like to make my Sheltie watch Lassie movies. So far they are not rubbing off. She's remarkably indifferent to the staged heroics of other canines.
  • Pets are indeed rubbish when it comes to paying their way. That's why I always give in to the urge to rag my cats all over the place whenever it arises. By allowing me to roll them over and tickle them, plus having to listen to my long, rambling and only occaisionally rhyming improv songs about them, they are simply earning their keep. Goddam freeloaders.