July 26, 2005

This Dream Dictionary may help you work out what your dreams mean.

To see a monkey in your dream, symbolizes deceit; people are working to advance their own interest. Monkeys also symbolize a playful and mischievous side of your own personality or an immature attitude. To see a monkey hanging or swinging from a tree, denotes that you be troubled by young ones. To dream that you are feeding a monkey, denotes that you betrayed by someone whom you thought cared about your interests. Alas, I don't remember having had any dreams at all for many years now.

  • What if you dream you are hugging a gorilla?
  • Don't dream symbols also depend upon your attitude towards them? My meaning for a dream spider is probably very different indeed from Mr Web from the local spider shop. (Mr Web, and the local spider shop, are fictitional and for illustration purposes only)
  • yes, dream symbols often have a specific personal polarity, but nevertheless there are a wide range of seemingly common human dream images that occur for people all over the world, they're usually very archetypal ones.
  • My archetypes are better than yours.
  • To see nuns in your dream, signifies purity, chastity and obedience. It also indicates that you need to live up to the vows and promises you have made. It also foretells that material fortune and gain will interfere with your spirituality. Consider also the pun of being "none" or "nothing". I can't help but feel that doesn't really cover the one where the dozens of tiny, sharp-toothed nuns are crawling all over me and biting me and I can't get them off.
  • This guy obviously dreams of a very different type of nun than I do...
  • Yes, but does it cover my dream about the yak that tried to strangle me and then turned into Ted Danson?
  • Yak/Danson? Rosicrucian symbolism for enlightenment.
  • I think Danson is positive, symbolically. Woody Harrelson would have been another matter.
  • I dream of Jeanie, with the bright green face.
  • I never remember my dreams. I mean, NEVER. For decades. Mrs. Fes suspects this may be indicative of some sort of latent psychopathy, but I think it's just that my tabula is all about the rasa, baby.
  • "To see a weevil in your dream, signifies business losses or falseness in love." What? I hear no weevil. I see no weevil.
  • The majority of people, apparently, don't remember their dreams.
  • I rarely do. Though I remembered the one where I was hanging out in the garage with Mr. Peanut while my mom was watching pornography. The dream dictionary didn't help me with that one.
  • If you want to remember your dreams, set your alarm clock for the middle of night when you're likely in your REM state. When it goes off, you'll be there, armless in a pile of red hammers, talking about Pluto with Jeannie, the light green face.
  • Nah, I don't find that I miss 'em all that much.
  • That's when I tell Fes to do things. He never remembers afterward, though occasionally it takes some time for the soreness to go away...
  • Wha-wha-what?
  • Shhhhh, MCT, i think he's here and reading the posts.
  • Just like Freud never lived.
  • To see a black or dark horse in your dream, signifies mystery, wildness, and the unknown. You may be taking a chance or gamble at some unknown area. It may even represents occult forces. If the horse is white, then it signifies purity, prosperity and good fortunes. To dream that you are being chased by a white horse, may be a pun on chaste. Perhaps you are having difficulties dealing with issues of intimacy and sexuality. Hey, wait a minute. What about a Blue Horse?
  • Dream dictionaries are useful for Tony's dream episodes in Sopranos but that's about it.
  • To see a blue, turquoise or vermillion horse in your dream, signifies delicious sandwiches.
  • crinkly beetroot?
  • Wasn't there a post sometime back about Yak symbolism in dreams? Or did I dream it?
  • To see Yakov Smirnov in your dream, signifies you will be developing a Russian accent soon
  • In soviet russia, dream sees Yakov Smirnov in you!okay that was dumb I had a dream a few months ago that I was jogging through a lovely park with a bunch of people. We got to the end of the trail and it forked, and I followed the left fork like most of the others. The ones who followed the right fork, I saw as I passed, were grabbed one by one by burly farmhand types (whereupon they, the joggers, all became identical) bundled into a giant slingshot, and hurled into a corral full of huge, carnivorous bulls, where they were torn to shreds (and presumably eaten, though it was hard to tell with all the carnage). I haven't checked out the link, but I have a feeling it won't be of much use here.
  • Byzantine food dream interpretation. Selections from Artemidorus, the main source.
  • Dream Interpretation Simplified. Everything's either concave or -vex, so whatever you dream will be somrthing with sex. -- Piet Hein
  • well I have always had very vivid intense dreams, that I generally remember, but its NOTHING like being on an SSRI!! my dreams are SOOOO bizarre, long byzantine dramas that I remember quite clearly. however, I am not convinced they mean much... except that one about the nun who gave me a beetroot body massage, then turned into a carnivorous bull and ate ted danson....DEEP!
  • Medusa - when I forst started on Lexapro, my dreams were like Willy Wonka's chocolate factory.
  • To see a blue, turquoise or vermillion horse in your dream, signifies delicious sandwiches mmmmmm...delicious sandwiches...
  • the nun who gave me a beetroot body massage Sometimes a kitfisto is just a kitfisto . . .
  • I had a nightmare the other night, first one in ages. I was driving around with my 7 year old in the back seat, as often happens (I deliver him to school when it's in session, we run errands to the store, etc.), and we were in this decrepit, abandoned looking area under some overpasses. I made a turn and suddenly the car was in water--deep water. We started to sink, quickly. I was frantically rolling down my window and hollering at my son to unbuckle his seat belt and try to get his window down. I couldn't tell if he was doing it or not. I woke up in total panic/adrenaline mode--just like in bad movies, the heavy breathing, the sweats, the lot. I was so disturbed I had to get out of bed and go check on my son, to make sure he was all right and not drowned. According to a lot of Jungian-style dream dictionaries, I believe water is supposed to be symbolic of change. So an easy interpretation would be I'm worried about some change in my life that in my mind could possibly endanger my children's security, safety, etc. Which actually sounds about right. Score one for the dream dictionaries.
  • Interps of my dream from the linked site: To see muddy or dirty water in your dream, indicates that you are wallowing in your negative emotions. You may need to devote some time to clarify your mind and find internal peace. Alternatively, it suggests that your thinking/judgment is unclear and clouded. If you are immersed in muddy water, then it indicates that you are in over your head in a situation and are overwhelmed by your emotions. Okay. To dream that you or something is sinking, suggests that you are feeling overwhelmed and that someone or something is pulling your down. You may be experiencing lowered self-esteem and confidence. Alternatively, some important and significant stage in your life may be coming to an end. Consider what is sinking and its significance. Spot-on. To see someone drowning in your dream, suggests that you are becoming too deeply involved in something that is beyond your control. Alternatively, it represents a sense of loss in your own identity. You are unable to differentiate who you are anymore. Scary, actually.
  • Last week I dreamed I was Jonathan Ross and I was about to perform an 'unnatural act' with Fiona Bruce. I've probably shared too much.
  • Wow, kit. I want YOUR dream. :) Wanna trade?
  • You need to do dream programing. Although I'm afraid to think about what subjects some of you immerse yourselves in.