July 26, 2005

Elena Filatova update You probably know Elena Filatova from her purported motorcycle trip, "Ghost Town", in the area around Chernobyl, Ukraine. You may know of her revisit and her follow up to that story, "Chernobyl - Land of the Wolves". But, she also has newer* entries online. *It's hard to determine the chronology since most of the journaling is done sans date stamps.

Gulag Tales - My latest effort is a series of short stories offered under the group title "GULAG TALES - ECHOES OF TRAPPED VOICES" These stories are about prison life during the times of the late U.S.S.R and after collapse. Each story is a based on a tale heard from a convict I met while visiting our city prison. At the age of 18, my volunteer, humanitarian visits to the prison, and the stories I heard, made a strong impression on me. All of this has lived within me for a several years. Only now do I feel strong enough to open my heart and let the dark demons fly. I've held them inside for too long. The Serpent's Wall - A fascinating look at Kiev's history of defending itself with the aid of a wall built most likely during the early 11th century at the request of King Yaroslav(he built upon the fortification work begun under the reign of Volodymyr Svyatoslavovich in the late 10th century). It includes photos documenting the WWII era bunkers that were built into the existing Serpent's Wall. Ukraine's Orange Revolution - Here is hastily composed photoreportage called "stolen election" it is about social unrest that followed our recent election. From her home page.

  • I read her first travelogue and stared at the pictures in awe. Recall there was some controversy a few months ago about the validity of her entire tales; still, all this material is great for exploring.
  • I like Elena's stuff. I remember the controversy Flagpole refers too, not sure it was justified. Anyway, it's interesting.
  • Excellent post. I'd forgotten about her, and it was good to see her "new" stuff. I don't know if the stories are true or not, but the value of the site is in the pictures anyway.