July 26, 2005

Images from Iceland contains some nice pictures of Iceland

some previous monkeyfilter threads with photos of Iceland The Northern Lights Beautiful desolation

  • Excellent! Iceland is near the top of my list of places to visit (after Antarctica). These photos strengthen my reslove and may help push the wife over the crtical threshold to actually go there soon. So Thanks! Also, I've always marveled at how such a tiny population could have produced so many chess grandmasters and world class composers. And the people are probably the most beautiful people in Europe. This is probably due to the fact that a major portion of the population is descended from the slaves the Vikings procured whilst raping and pillaging. They apparently were very picky and chose only the best looking women for slaves.
  • I'd never seen many pictures of Iceland before. Very pretty. Thanks dng!
  • Well done, dng. Have a banana.
  • Mmm, waterfalls
  • )!
  • Wait a second: these Vikings, they rap?
  • nah - they use norse code.....
  • /collapse
  • Heh! ) for polychrome! Really magnificent photos.
  • Traaaaaaac! Hommy's been playing in the Blue, and he stole that post! Great pics. I saw them earlier this morning* and was enthralled. I love this one. One of the OtherFilter people posted this about it: It's kind of funny that just out of the frame, to the right of this photo is a big-ass aluminium refinery (you can see the pictured house at the bottom). posted by Zero Gravitas at 10:01 PM on August 7 *It was an accident. I didn't really go there. My browsing finger slipped.
  • I don't know what you're talking about. I never steal links from the Blue. It must be a coincidence. Maybe an elf made your hand slip.