July 25, 2005

[insert enemy target here] Why bother getting real quotes from real Iraqis when you can just make one up, even though it's in pure military jargon, and attribute it repeatedly to "an unidentified Iraqi?" Also spotted on the blue, but posted here in the hopes of engendering less sniping and snark and encouraging intelligent discourse.

Sunday's news release said: "'The terrorists are attacking the infrastructure, the ISF and all of Iraq. They are enemies of humanity without religion or any sort of ethics. They have attacked my community today and I will now take the fight to the terrorists,' said one Iraqi man who preferred not to be identified." The July 13 news release said: "'The terrorists are attacking the infrastructure, the children and all of Iraq,' said one Iraqi man who preferred not to be identified. 'They are enemies of humanity without religion or any sort of ethics. They have attacked my community today and I will now take the fight to the terrorists.'"

  • Are we surprised? Perhaps in that it's the Pentagon itself issuing the adminstrative-error/lie rather than the Bush polticos, but aside from that, I'm not shocked or awed by this. (Jaded? Why would I be jaded?) Sorry, es el Queso -- you didn't want snark, but I'm not sure I'm capable of that anymore.
  • Well, after Jessica Lynch, and Pat Tillman and bog knows what else, it seems like the only thing the Pentagon can produce is bullshit. If people are making stuff up, they should be removed from their jobs. (Excuse me while I fantasize about that for a few minutes).
  • The problem with telling lies is that it's remarkably difficult to keep your stories straight.
  • I don't know how you guys feel about suicide bombers, but I will go on record to say that the terrorists are attacking the infrastructure, the ISF and all of Iraq. They are enemies of humanity without religion or any sort of ethics. They have attacked an Iraqi community today, and all Iraqis should take the fight to the terrorists.
  • oh.. and the children... they're attacking the children too....
  • If you're going to tell a lie, tell a big lie.
  • You mean like "Mission Accomplished?"
  • You mean like "Mission Accomplished?" No, I mean like "I did not have sexual relations with that woman."
  • Maybe. Let's be charitable and say that that was just ignorant.
  • You mean like "Mission Accomplished?" Naw, that wasn't a lie. The mission was in fact accomplished! [just not the same one they sold the the US public]
  • In my fantasy world, Clinton responded to the question with a blase, "Yeah, I banged her. What can I say? JFK is my role model. Next?" After that, approval ratings skyrocketed among the 18-26 age bracket, and record voting turnout among that group gave the dems a 98-2 majority in the Senate. It's so pretty in my head... ;) Wait a minute...why are we talking about Clinton? Damn it, they've done it again!
  • Let's be charitable and say that that was just ignorant. I assume you're talking about smallish bore's comment?
  • so much for trying to spark intelligent discourse and avoid snark... thanks guys, really.
  • Debaser: You forgot Poland.
  • BTW, who's in charge of abbreviations at the Pentagon? Hasn't he noticed that "ISF" (Iraqi Security Forces, I presume) sounds dangerously like "IDF" (Israeli Defense Forces)?
  • Sorry, es el Queso, but until he gets over whatever it is he needs to get over, i think he's going to follow me around from thread to thread and drop these pissy little snarks. I, for one, hope it ends soon. As for the post, I'm kind of surprised that all Iraq news seems to come from the Pentagon's own press releases; complete with fake 'man in the street' interview quotes. I'm even more surprised that the stateside media blindly regurgitates this propeganda. Don't they have their own reporters over there? Can't they talk to Iraquis and find out how they really feel?
  • No conspiracy here: I imagine this is one tired translator, sent out for the gazillionth time to interview someone for a quote, who said "ah, fuck it, I'll stay indoors and not get blown up today" and recycled some old notes. Some poor sod has to go around and say, effectively, "hi! I'm from the Pentagon! How do you feel about this killing and maiming and stuff?" It's no wonder he just decided to phone one in.
  • That unidentified Iraqi is the kindest, bravest, warmest, most wonderful human being I've ever known in my life.
  • Well, why would anyone be surprised that a military force in active combat would engage in propaganda? Is it because these combatants are ostensibly fighting for our own cause that makes them so morally sacrosanct? This Pollyannish propriety about the conduct of one's own military resources is nothing new, military leaders justifiably point out that it undermines their mission effectiveness. Naturally, they lie about it. Hell, I would too; and facing random, mindless death for no real reason, so would you. This odd disconnect that human groups have about the actual behaviour of their own tribe is what allows these conflicts to occur in the first place. It's always the OTHER guy that is nefarious and underhanded, in most people's world view. Sadly, none of this shit will ever stop.
  • I just wanted to tell you both good luck. We're all counting on you.
  • r88 -- uh, no, I was referring to the 'Mission Accomplished'. sb beat me between preview and post. (As for Bill's 'sexual relations', I actually believe he wasn't lying. Guys from the south don't see oral as being 'real' sex, and so it wouldn't have been included in his definition. But I don't mean to derail...)