July 22, 2005

CIA Gains Powers In Ireland US INVESTIGATORS, including CIA agents, will be allowed interrogate Irish citizens on Irish soil in total secrecy, under an agreement signed between Ireland and the US last week. Suspects will also have to give testimony and allow property to be searched and seized even if what the suspect is accused of is not a crime in Ireland.

And a refutation.

  • Thanks for the refutation petebest. I haven't seen that attached to the other places where I've seen this story.
  • notes: (1) michael mcdowell is a wanker of the highest order (33ยบ wanker, iirc). (2) it would not be very surprising if the original examiner story were fully accurate. the irish government's sycophantic kowtowing to the usians is shame-inducing to behold. (3) in cork, the cork examiner is the one they call "de payparr"
  • Wise men say Only fools have wills But I Can't Help Cutting your face With Glass
  • Begorah call the EFF
  • I cannot understand why an independent nation would allow a group of imcompetent zealots to have full reign over their own country and people. Unless it is not independent at all. Goofy help us all. Perhaps we should all appeal to the great god 'Goofy' of Disney fame, 'cause it sure doesn't seem like it's a normal world these days...
  • The most important Powers to take in Ireland.
  • I should think that, if even partially true, then this is something to do with the extensive criminal links between IRA and American funding, or such like, which in the past has been stymied by problems in investigating blah blah blah etc.
  • ey tanks fer pissin' im me fookin' tread ya coont!