July 22, 2005

Early Stuart Libels is a web-based collection of early 17th century satirical poems such as The Parliament Fart. Navigation and search facilities leave something to be desired, I'm afraid. Try 'Quick Contents'.
  • Awesome. Hehe I love this sort of stuff.
  • P.S. this is great material to go with one's daily Pepys' Diary reading.
  • )))!!! All the latest dirt on Georgie Villiers.
  • The Parliament Fart is a difficult matter, It isn't just one of your holiday games; You may think at first it would cause just a splatter, But I tell you the fart will cause three different stains.
  • I actually stumbled on that site earlier. I love old language manuscripts and assorted paraphenalia. And in case you missed it, if you like this sort of thing, go check out madamjujujive's last post on the blue. Brilliant!