July 15, 2005

Two TVs for the price of two. What a breakthrough. "Sharp Corp. has developed a liquid-crystal display that shows totally different images to people viewing the screen from the left and the right."

But, can 3d TV be far behind? Sorry for the FPP news post, I thought it was pretty interesting, especially finding out that "Sharp has been selling 3D laptops for a few years".

  • Excellent! Now, if only I can put the pr0n on the right-hand view...
  • Excellent! Now, if only I can put the pr0n on the right-hand view... If it's on the left-hand it's like a whole different person...
  • this reminds me of that razor with four blades
  • Perfect for those communication-filled evenings with your SO: you can watch baseball, she can watch some girl film. But what about the conflicting soundtracks? Ah, easy: headphones! So you'll be there, oblivious to the human being next to you. Well, technically you're together.
  • It costs "twice as much" as a standard screen...hmmm... let's think about this... I'm willing to bet that we are not going to see many of these in use...
  • four blades Ah... reminds me of the Onion.
  • TV just keeps getting cooler.