July 15, 2005

Curious George: Traffic Tickets and Points I received two different traffic violations last year when I lived in NY and had a NY license. I live in CT and have a CT license now. If a NY driver gets a traffic ticket in other states and pleads guilty, the points that would go on an in-state license don't transfer. The driver can plead guilty, pay the fee, and go back home to NY. Since CT DMV is difficult to navigate, here are my questions: Does CT have a point penalty system for their in-state drivers? If so, what is CT's policy on transfer of points? How would the monkeys here approach this problem? Thanks in advance for any info!
  • Flee the country.
  • admin please hope me skirk! hey! whassup with you? and why is this week so weird on mofi?
  • I think we're the only two on duty at the moment.
  • oh and... "Some states have laws providing that points are not assessed for minor speeding. Connecticut doesn't assess points for speeding less than 85 MPH if one pleads guilty by mail, but may revoke a license based on multiple convictions or guilty pleas notwithstanding the point total." just in the rare case this post is not some kind of obtuse joke.
  • yup it sure is quiet around here. just you and me. hmmm. surely we can get into all kinds of trouble!
  • This is a story problem, right? I never was any good at those.
  • I don't see what's difficult about the CT DMZV website. I found out how to register a boat really easily.
  • but skirk, my vessel has been registered with CT numbers and I now have my documentation paper. what do I do?
  • Well, "You may visit a DMV Office, call the DMV Phone Center or write to the Marine Vessel Unit." Failing that, post a Curious George to Minkeyfilter.
  • chy, you got this figured out yet? we're counting on you.
  • Some states have reciprocity regarding traffic tickets. Some do not. The closer two states are, the more likely they are to have reciprocity (meaning that points in one state will count essentially the same in another). As New York and Connecticut border on one another, I would find it very likely that there is reciprocity between the states.
  • Party pooper.
  • Sorry. Let me try again: "Does CT have a point system for their in-state drivers?" They do. Any violations that occur within 19 feet and 9 inches of another vehicle are worth two points. Any violations that occur outside of 19 feet and 9 inches are worth three points.
  • any violations that occur within 19 feet and 9 inches of me, i charge three points. keep that in mind.
  • That's strange. I would have thought that the closer you are to another vehicle, the more points you score. But I guess that's New England for you.
  • No it's if you run over disabled people. They earn the highest points.
  • That doesn't make sense, either. Teenagers should carry the most points, since they can move out of the way more easily. Gra'ma should be a freebie.
  • Here's a story question. Sid leaves Los Angeles and drives towards New York at 80mph. John leaves New York and drives towards Los Angeles at 75mph. The distance between the cities is 2816 miles. There are 740 grannies standing in the street, each granny is worth 10 points. Which band did Sid and John play in?
  • Johnny Hates Jazz. Next?
  • man, bern is good.
  • Glowing Rolling Stone review of album by Johnny Hates Jazz.
  • BTW, where's queen of my world and why isn't she thanking us for all this extraordinarly helpful banter?
  • Little known fact: in Conneticut you do not have to obey the police when they ask you to pull over which would mean you would receive no points for any incidents. They, in fact, encourage it so they don't have to do the paperwork behind a ticket. I heartily recommend you test this fact yourself, though. Also, hitting babies is worth the most because mothers will usually do anything to protect them.
  • In New Haven you just show a document confirming that you've paid the proper bribes. I don't know how it works in the rest of the state, but I'll bet in Hartford there's serious bodily pain involved.
  • What happens if your car is picked up by a UFO while speeding and accelerates suddenly? Inquiring minds want to know . . . .
  • Gra'ma should be a freebie. HEY! I want you to know, I may be free, but I'm not easy. *stands slightly crouched with baseball bat aimed at windshield
  • SideDish, I agree: where's queen? What's up with posting & running? Are we that scary!?
  • You caught me on a day when my Google-Fu is working. There's something called the Drivers License Compact and the Non-resident Violators Compact. The DLC site pretty much explains that you are as fucked as they want you to be. And this Georgia "law enforcement" official explains ways to find out whether your state is draconian or laissez-faire. I found out the hard way.
  • The post and run was not on purpose. Thanks for those that offered helpful info. I'm still screwed.
  • Bad luck, queen. But at least if you got the points last year, you should be able to go to traffic school and lose one of the points, right? From memory when I lived in California, you could go to traffic school and lose one point in a year, then the second point would be dropped the following year. I don't know how the points system works in CT or NY, though.