April 29, 2005

Okay, this is disturbing: RealDolls Museum [NSFW]. RealDolls posed in tittilating lifelike situations. But there's just something about those soulless eyes... (shudder). [via ArtDorks]
  • dude, the one with the baby about to breast feed is not okay with me. It just isn't.
  • Could you actually go to sleep with one of those things in your house? They've got a real 'Chucky' feel to 'em if you ask me...
  • Ok this has to be the creepiest one of them all. I mean, seriously, why would anyone want these particular dolls? The other dolls I can understand but...
  • OH, THOSE kinds of "Realdolls". I was thinking of these (and Grant Stoddard rocks)
  • Bravo, six.oh.six, bravo! If this is what floats the guy's boat, good for him. Still, I can't help but feel pity. Maybe it's no different from any other obsessive hobby, but it seems to me like the product of truly profound loneliness.
  • Also, for a truly terrifying experience, check out our friend's stop-motion videos. Sweet Christ, I may never sleep again.
  • Related to the type of dolls Rorshach was thinking of, if you like fucked-up horror movies with off-beat plots, check out Love Object. I thought it was really well done, even if the ending is typically overblown. Kind of a male pov version of May, which is an even better movie that you should also check out.
  • eyagh.
  • That grass looks scratchy and not at all comfortable.
  • Doll no Mori (Forest of Dolls) is a doll rental service in tokyo described here and here(nsfw). i'm not sure what to make of all this.
  • oops, that second link is to here