January 30, 2004

Brain plays a significant role in decision to mate "Like people, common marmosets live in family groups and do not mate freely with one another." Coming next: scientists reveal why people fear murderers. [via monkeywire]
  • Brain plays a significant role in decision to mate And thus science proves that marmosets are far more intelligent that I :(
  • "Penis Plays a Significant Role in Decision to Mate"
  • Brain plays a significant role in decision to mate No shit. And I, err.. I mean my heart down there thought it was in control.
  • Ya know, I would have thought this post would have BEGGED for MonkeyChatter. Guess not. Nice try, goetter.
  • It was an interesting link, but I'm afraid that goetter's assessment was correct. Not the most earth shattering of announcements. I mean, everyone knows that the skinny boys with braces and pocket protectors are the sexiest people on the planet (especially if their bookbag weighs more than they do).
  • The neurology is interesting on its own, though not particularly trope-worthy. It's the Reuters head and lead lines that win awards for obviousness, doing their best with some dry source material. As for the chatter or lack thereof, that just proves that we monkeys are mysterious and unfathomable (unless positioned in a 9.4-Tesla spectrometer, of course).
  • o golly I forget where I left the marmoset he was a difficult sort of pet