February 11, 2005

Valentine's Day Sucks! Ah Valentine's Day! Otherwise known as "The End of The World Day" if you're single. This ghastly Hallmark Holiday is named after a martyred Roman who was beaten to death for not renouncing his Christianity. What a glorious history! Fortunately we've found a more palpable figurehead in a fat naked baby with a crossbow...
  • I actually had a great Valentine's Day date with an ex years ago, watching My Bloody Valentine while getting drunk in a local bar.
  • I'd rather think of it as "You're Worthless and Don't Matter Day" if you're single, and "Buy More Impersonal, Tacky Red Junk or You're a Bad, Bad Partner" day if you're not. The single get drunk, the matched get laid. Everyone wins!! It's a grand holiday for the cynic in me, second only to "You Only Deserve a Good Year if Somebody Will Make Out With You in Public", New Year's Eve. Ahhh.
  • The best Valentine's Days I've ever had are all when I'm single. Hanging out with friends is good,and I tend to date people who suck. (Got stood up last V-Day, the one before that a different person was out of town on purpose). I have a first date this V-Day. I hope it goes well.
  • My Bloody Valentine is one of my favorite slashers, really underrated in the genre imo. It's got the sex=death equation necessary for any slasher film of the early 80s, it's got the holiday theme, it's even got mythic undertones with the super-creepy location of the abandoned mines (i.e. the heroes' 'descent into Hell'). And you can't go wrong with a pickaxe murder and a real heart in a heart-shaped box. Truly an underappreciated gem. Plus, it's Canadian! And the "Ballad of the Film" over the end credits is priceless. Anybody who can swing me an mp3 of that will be my new best friend and also my valentine. As you were.
  • oh god I'm so lonely
  • Aww, we can spoon later, if you want...
  • Why let society do this to you? What does it matter to be single one day versus another? I hate the day because there is a socially-created expectation that I will take someone out to dinner at a place where the prices are doubled, and buy flowers that are marked up 400 percent. Why not just go out on the fucking 15th and save a hundred dollars or so? It's to stop being Hallmark's bitch.
  • God, Valentine's. My husband was out for lunch with some workmates the other day, and one of them went to buy his wife fancy chocolates. They told the hubby to buy some too, and when he said that we don't bother with the holiday, they insisted that he just didn't know me/women well enough, and that as a woman, I would be expecting a present. It drove him nuts and if I had been there, they'd all still have ringing ears. For one, gawd, it's such sexist bullshit. Stupid, stupid, stupid. Last year I was still finishing my degree while my husband was done his, so he left for a job in Ottawa a month or so before I was able to join him. He ended up staying a bit later, but for a while it looked like he was going to fly out on the 14th. I was *so* looking forward to having the best reply ever to the "So, what did you do for Valentine's Day" questions - "Well, my husband left me." Hah!
  • Me and wy sweetie are really looking forward to Feb. 15th.. Xenosage II, biatches!!! (other than saying "Happy Valentine's Day" we never celebrate the 14th) The only corporate Holiday I approve of is St. Patrick's Day.
  • erm.. Xenosaga...
  • Why not just go out on the fucking 15th and save a hundred dollars or so? On the only V-Day that I did have a partner, we did nothing on V-Day and bought candy at the after-V-Day sales. Unified in our thriftiness and love of chocolate, we enjoyed it quite a bit. Assuming "all women want this or that" depresses me. That's kind of what this holiday is all about. That "buy chocolate and flowers for all women because they're all the same" dating rigmarole writ large. There's also the scarring experience of the elementary-school card distribution, too. That's a barrel of fun. People will only pretend to like you because the teacher makes them, sweetie. Happy Valentine's Day! A jolly curmudgeon am I.
  • to think I bought Valentines for all of you, and the little Saf-T lollipops to tape on...
  • I am also very lonely. Are there no cuntbongs out there?
  • You know, I'm engaged and have been for a while, but never had the "I'll be angry if you don't get me shit" uttered to me. We always just use it as an excuse to buy each other something we each enjoy (She gets candies and flowers, I get cigars and bourbon.) Usually leads to a fun conversation with friends: "What'd you two do for V-day?" "She got fat and I got drunk" ".... wha?"
  • lol @ loto I love that.
  • We just don't acknowledge the nonsense holiday at all. It's easy to avoid, and other than ugly marketing campaigns in the local pharmacies, I don't see much evidence of Valenswine's Day. Still, one year I think I'd like to freak my wife out and overdecorate our home with crappy plastic and cardboard hearts, cheap, half-dead long-stemmed roses in a tacky vase and me in a diaper/toga thing draped around me, holding two glasses of cheap sparkling wine.
  • jesus I think I'll go get out the emergency stash of lexapro. I HATE valentines day, hate it hate it hate it. quidnunc we are as one.
  • "It's time to stop being Hallmark's bitch," was what I intended to type many comments ago. Not sure if that makes the comment anymore useful. Just wanted to clear up the record.
  • I hate to be the curmudgeon amongst curmudgeons here, but isn't this a self link? /raining on parade
  • That being said, if this thread didn't exist, we would've had to invent it.
  • Yes, you seem to be onto something there. It would seem that he has made two fpps -- both of which are self links -- and made zero comments.
  • The single get drunk, the matched get laid. Everyone wins!! YEA! Wurwilf is teh Valentine's Day god! Let's see how this flies as a tagline: MonkeyFilter: The single get drunk, the matched get laid. oooooh, I like it!
  • slink, slink, slink away frome here, self-link- er.
  • Oh, I've got so many cards to send!
  • Now that you mention it ooga, I think we can classify this as a self-linking double-post.
  • (almost) on preview: what bernockle said.
  • I'll be getting my knob polished. Y'all should consider being reincarnated as attractive people. Kidding. I used to hate Valentines day. I hate holidays. I treat my man like it's valentines day every day.
  • well, good, can we burn him then? *hopefully lights torch, picks up pitchfork* This will free my mind from my loveless miserable existence for a moment or two.
  • I mean mug, not actuallysettle's man, unless he's a double self poster too.
  • Yikes! Self medicating AND self linking, I never realize I'm doing either and it always seems that others get hurt. St. Valentine was beaten with rods and decapitated... I should be so lucky. Forgive me for I know not what I do... But having read the FAQ's now I do. The madness stops here... Well, for me, anyway. No chocolate for moi on VD Day.
  • In the words of the onion: What are we doing on Valentines Day? Cry, Cry, Masturbate, Cry
  • My wife and I never celebrated V Day at all... she was opposed to the whole issue. Last year I surprised her with a V Day gift and night out, and something else afterwards. We'll be celebrating that way from now on.
  • Mygothlaundry: oooooh baby, you said it so well for so many of us! MonkeyFilter: This will free my mind from my loveless miserable existence for a moment or two.
  • These cards are quiet charming.
  • can i shill here for a rather good band who've been around too long without much recognition? preview of my valentine's day: clean the apartment as best i can. collect s.o. and recently born son from maternity clinic. play with newly born. sniff newly born. not think about sex with my s.o. just enjoy newly born and his antics. sniff newly born some more. it's extremely cool, really. apart from the not thinking about sex with my sweety bit.
  • Much congratulations, roryk! My best wishes to you, mrs roryk, and the bonnie wee one.
  • thanks alnedra. i'm somewhere around 7.5th heaven at the moment. it's so cool.
  • Fat congrats, roryk. Great stuff, big days.
  • thanks wolof. yes, best biggest days i've ever had. nothing compares, and this surprises me. but i've always been a bit thick...
  • Sniff now, while things are still sweet. It sort of goes downhill from here. Seriously, congrats. And I must admit I kind of like that toddler cookie/sweaty smell. Weird, innit?
  • Hmm. I had the chance to look through my mom's treasure trove of my childhood the other day, and amongst them were a collection of (unused) Valentine's Day cards from grade school. You know the kind. Pink, with puppies and hearts and ad-campaign-cute boys and girls looking coy. You remember the days of valentines in your school chums' boxes, and the final, meaningful count. Last Valentine's I wandered out for dinner -- by myself -- not realizing what day it was. Now, eating out on your own can be difficult enough depending on the crowd, but there was just *no* frickin way I could make this happen, so I headed home. Those of you advocating "ignoring" the holiday, ok, but better team up or stay home.
  • Heh...ditched my first boyfriend on Valentine's Day (in my defense, I honestly forgot it was THAT day), my divorce came final on a Valentine's Day, and, best of all, started my business as a merciless hooring homewrecker on V Day. Use...pow..ers..for....good! Must...try...
  • Wow, mj, you must be, like, some anti-saint or something! *makes warding sign against evil eye* keeding, keeding....
  • My ex called and asked if I was free for dinner tomorrow. I've been locked in a lonely struggle with a deadline and forgot what day it was, so I said yes. Now I'm scared! Surely she's not daft enough to want me back?
  • Abiezer_Coppe, I obviously don't know your ex, but if she's asking you to dinner on V-Day, I would be a little suspicious of the timing. Unless you've got a history of Monday night dinners and she's just keeping with the program. If you two are still on really good, friendly terms, maybe she's just feeling a little nostalgic and lonely and wants to hang out with the last person she was romantically involved with. Don't be scared, though, unless you're afraid of misleading her into thinking that the dinner's got a little more meaning than a regular meal with an old friend. Just my opinion, though. And I VERY much second Bernockle's "It's time to stop being Hallmark's bitch" to anyone feeling depressed for being single on Feb. 14th. It's just another overrated, made-up holiday. Then again, I'm lucky to be surrounded by a really fantastic group of friends, some obnoxiously happily married or in committed relationships that think the day is pure and utter nonsense, so I've got no pressure to feel like the odd (wo)man out in the corporate sap-fest. And it's my brother's bday!! The whole group of us is just going to go out and celebrate his birth instead. Whee!
  • Holiday or celebration dates, like season dates really are pretty arbitrary - think about the "official" days that the seasons allegedly start and end, and when you really feel the seasons - they are what they mean to you, when they mean it. I've recently moved my public birthday to the same day as my bud's so neither of us will forget when the other's is. Besides, mine was in December - a month with enough baggage as it is. I like May muuuuch better.
  • Cheers zombiebunny - I think we've talked most of it through and have arrived at a pretty sollid friendship, plus she's just got back from being out of town for a while so I'm probably reading too much into it. I think I'll try to make it lunch instead though just to be on the safe side. mj - you're like our own Dear Queen with the official birthday thing. Do you get the horseguards trooping the colour and all that too?
  • Guard your loins and gird up your hearts, Monkeys. The evil day is upon us.
  • Guard thy tender loins and lobsters too for 'tis the day of surf and turf, of roses red and violets blue.