January 20, 2004

Star Wars Geeks are Cool...for Me to Poop On!

Everybody knows that Star Wars geeks and the internet go hand in hand like Dick Cheney and Evil, but the degree of complex minutiae these geeks get to dabbling in is downright awe inspiring.
Witness the personal websites of 4LOM, Zuckuss, Zam Wessell and even lowly desert stormtrooper Davin. Need more? You can always support the Admiral Ackbar for President campaign or try some tasty treats from the Jek Porkins Cookbook.

(And if you thought I couldn't find a Star Wars Monkey? Well, let's just say I find your lack of faith disturbing.)

  • I'm going to take it that your religion is Jedi, then.
  • Fandom and The Force?
  • Excellent posts, FCT! What is most interesting for me is to see how this culture has been transmitted from the 14-year-olds in the 70's (my era) to the 14-year-olds of the new millenium (my friends' kids). I'm 41 and still adore my mint X-Wing and Y-Wing models, certain proof of my ur-geek cred.
  • Davin takes cover when being fired upon by Han Solo while many of the other troopers rush blindly to their demise.
    Gallant bravely rushes in to defend the Empire. Goofus cowers behind a rock and lets his comrades take the hit.
  • Goofus then goes on to console Gallant's widow, thus ensuring a new generation of Goofi. Gallants eventually go extinct, due to propensity for rushing into las fire.
  • man. I read that as "console Gallant's window", leaving me to wonder where computers came into it.
  • That first link, The Triumph vs. Star Wars video, is recommended more highly than almost anything else I've seen on the internet. I've seen it seven times and I still can't stop laughing. "Fresh Hound!"
  • How did I miss that when it first came out? That's hysterical. Thanks for the link. Better late than never.
  • If you haven't wandered over to the Admiral Ackbar lookalikes page, then you've been missing out.
  • you are the small thermal exhaust port, right below my main port Kinky stuff.
  • Great find, homie!
  • I found that sandtrooper site intensely interesting. I love the sandtroopers.