December 10, 2004

Secret Christmas names Everyone has a special, secret Christmas name. What is your name?

Mine is Giggley Floppy-Elf, when I entered brat cat, andFuzzy Brandy butter-Noodles using my real name. The second one is too funny.

  • Giggley Berry-Elf.
  • if I put in the name for one of my parrots, I get Cutie Bunny-Goose. and that explains everything, really.
  • Anal Masseuse-Helper
  • "Cutie Brandy butter-Tinker"??? What the... OK, somebody's gotta pay for this...
  • real name: Trumpy Dancing-Elf mofi handle: Floppy Fluffy-Elf TRUMPY? What, do I look like I have a bad combover?
  • middleclass tool: Wriggly Scrooge-Cracker My real name: Licky Holly-Cracker That last one sounds so seasonally dirty that I'm going to ask my wife to scream it next time we bone.
  • Ooh I'm Lucky Christmas Cracker! Eat me!
  • "Wriggly Monster-Elf". Hmpf! Fie on Santa-monster Elf-claws!
  • Great. I'm Licky Floppy-Pie.
  • Licky Cracker. What a coincidence! that's also my "prison punk" name!
  • Shhh, my secret name is Cutie Brandy butter-Bum. Typing my secret name into the secret name genarator results in Tumbleflump Poodle-Helper (my secret, secret name). My secret, secret, secret name is Gorgeous Tummy. I wonder if it ever gets into a repeating pattern? Hence, I could have a secret Christmas name cycle - and we could allocate groups based on this... It might be a whole new thing to fight wars about!
  • well I am Fuzzy Dancing Cracker not sure what I think of that. I like the fuzzy part, oh and the dancing part....
  • I suppose thats what I get for putting "medusa snakequeen" as my name ;)
  • Furry Noodles. I am satisfied.
  • Tumbleflump Brandy butter-Helper ...does that mean we're like, first cousins, or something, niccolo? Or do I help you with your brandy butter bum? Mrrrrow.
  • Has the whole world gone mad?
  • Fuzzy Christmas-Pixie. Heh...that's dirrrrttty.
  • Krazy! There's no Punk Rock Name Generator. Whaaa?
  • Squelchy Brandy butter-Toes Like the brandy, not so sure about the squelchy but at least it sounds dirty.
  • Well, the first letter of your first name decides your secret last name, the last letter of your first name decides your secret first name, and the first letter of your last name decides the prefix to your last name. If anybody out there has a first name that goes g-something-f, and a last name that starts with s, their secret name winds up as Squelchy Kissy-Bum. Which is exactly what I was called in middle school.
  • Lovable Brandy butter-Fairy
  • Lucky Berry-Fairy least they got the fairy part right.
  • real name: Lucky Floppy-Elf monkey name: Wriggly Hot-Tinker ...which I like so much better.
  • I'm Smiley Fluffy-Cheeks, and honestly, none of you could have possibly given me a more appropriate name.
  • It's either Fuzzy Monster-Baubles or Cutie Berry-Elf Take your sticky hands off my Berry-Baubles, or I'll 'elf you.
  • fuzzy elf or cutie chocolate wth? cutie chocolate, what is that?
  • Happy Christmas-Sprout. When went against the advice not to capitalize my names the result was Happy Christmas-
  • mofi name: Wriggly Berry-Pie real name: Tumbleflump Kissy-Pie Wriggly Berry-Pie doesn't sound that appetizing.
  • Frosty Chilly-Baubles would kick your Baubled Butter Bums Squelchy i think i prefer chesty smurf
  • Frosty Dancing-Helper Do cold hands make a dancer better? I'm off to the strip-joint to see.
  • Can't stand this one any more? Try a pimp name here instead! /Mack Master B. Squeeze
  • Deacon Dr. A. Luthor? Just call me GramMa.
  • Or else, you can pick up your random title and name. The place where, long ago, I discovered I was Countess of the Dark Army of Christopher Walken, Christophine de la Marx, the Seventy-Twoth.
  • pimpafied=Ghetto Fabulous Beautiful random title and name=You shall henceforth be known as: Mistress of Retro, Brat Cat, the First
  • Funk Master B. Rock or Acting Captain of The Ministry of Boxer Briefs, B. Staples Islander
  • I introduced that pimp name generator some months ago to a different forum, and subsequently half the user nicks permanently changed. Beware. Oh, and I'm Floppy Bunny-Cracker. I have never, ever cracked a bunny. I get them pre-cracked.
  • Christophine's is wild! You shall henceforth be known as Deacon of Yngwie Fucking Malmsteen, Bees Beware Wacky Smart-assed skeptic: Monkey Man will MAKE you believe. Eek! I think it's threatening me.
  • i remember an old rap name generator with lots of Mad Masta Cow stuff, funnier "Governor of The Wonkavator" is it glass? "Principal of Various Actions The former was a lulu, but you're a cake." the hamster's name is lulu, and i'm a tart "Admiral of Vibrators" umm, ok "Tertiary Lieutenant of Eugenics Charmed, I'm sure." enchante
  • Monkeyfilter: Eek! I think it's threatening me.
  • All hail, Mistress-In-Training of Bitch Slaps, Donna naturesgreatestmiracle!
  • My secret Christmas name is Lucky Kissy-Baubles. Which by a strange coincidence is also my pornstar name.
  • Pimp (real):Macktastic Reed Clinton Pimp (mofi):Golden Brown Tool Rock (oh, yeah) Title (real):Headmaster Emeritus of Most Every Road Pylon, Matthew Reed, The Diseased Title (mofi):