November 28, 2004

Glencannon A wee smattering of Guy Gilpatric
  • Thanks, Fishy! This is lovely. I only wish there was more. My Dad, an ex-navy man, is a big Gilpatric fan and whenever we have a scotch together we call it a "tumbler of Duggan's Dew". Some of the Glencannon stories are among the funniest I've ever read.
  • islander: do ye know the one aboot the wager over cat sweat? Ye can find Glencannon books fairly often on ebay.
  • Aye, they sweat through their wee feet, lassie. There's a bunch of antiquarian book stores down in Sidney (BC, the left one) wherein I found a copy of the Glencannon Omnbibus for me old Dad's birthday a while back.
  • Bless yer soul, laddie- glad ye got the omnbibulous. I likes Sidney; they spells it right some good.
  • Yer either omnbibus or yer not.
  • Green to green, Red to red, Foosh to the world! I'm off to bed. 'night, islander.
  • fish tick, I grew up reading these tales, among others -- Gilpatric had a keen eye for character. Not so devoted to the omnibibullion, though now and again I take a dram or two.