November 04, 2004

A hat, a guitar, some whitey tighties, and a Dream. With all the election ruckus, isn't it nice to know that, somewhere out there, a man in his underwear is happy just playing his guitar for tourists? Oh, and making a movie? (warning: last link contains flash, all links contain excessive flexing)
  • heeheehee I can't wait to see the kids in Japan start appropriating that!
  • OK, not to politicize everything, but wasn't this guy playing with Bush/Cheney '04 stickers on his guitar during the RNC in NYC? I'd find a pic, but I am drunk/lazy/disinterested.
  • I just saw a great documentary about street musicians called "Playing for Change" that had a couple of quick shots of this guy. The theater let out a collective "heh" everytime.
  • You may be laughing, but consider this: this bozo makes over $150,000 a year doing this bit. No shit.
  • Tinfoil, here you go. It's good that he's not pitching himself as a fitness guru. I, like Parillo, believe that proper nutrition, is the cornerstone for effective results. [...] I went on a tour of the United States in which I ate soy nuts, only, only, only for forty days straight with water and coffee.
  • Classy "Welcome to Adobe GoLive 5" title on goetter's link.