November 03, 2004

Barack Obama: "...there's not a liberal America and a conservative America--there's the United States of America. There's not a black America and white America and Latino America and Asian America; there's the United States of America." Do you agree? (found first on

I know that I could make an argument that there are about 40 different Americas, and that they'd be better served by a system that accomodates more than 2 political parties.

  • Maybe the rarefied air of a Senate chamber is somehow already keeping oxygen from reaching his brain. Mild hypoxia can impair judgement, you know.
  • I think what he means is that in the end we are all still "one america". Unfortunately, reguardless of being america, we separate into our ghettos. As one of my acquaintances put it, America isn't so much a melting pot as a salad bowl. Digging through the salad bowl, you can still come up with distinct things, like croutons and lettuce, whereas a melting pot implies that everyone has assimilated. Certainly people have changed a lot while living here, but we are not all one distinct culture that could be implied with the melting pot theory. So in short, I think obama's being too heartwarming. Where's the damn cynicism?
  • I love Barack. I'm gonna keep a very close watch on him, and see what he thinks a couple of years from now.
  • Obama is the new John Edwards. Until he accomplishes something in the Senate he's nothing but a pleasant speaker. He seems like a great guy and I'm glad there's black representation in the Senate again, but at this point he's a rhetorician at best -- I want results.
  • That's political bilge and it's quite clear to anyone not obliged to make polically correct remarks that America is almost as polarized now as in the 60's or the Civil War. Still, I like him- though it's too bad our politicians don't feel free or have the courage to speak the truth. We need a Winston Churchill (pre war vintage)
  • There is nothing to agree with or disagree with in that statement, just more of his schtick everyone seems to love so much. All I know is there was a line in his convention speech- I think it was "we worship an awesome God in the red states" that was so dumb it made me laugh out loud, but I didnt want to say anything at the time. Anyway he will find out in the 4 or 8 years that there is an America that is still afraid to nominate a black man for president- especially after the pending bloodbath in the democratic party, they will not be taking that risk anytime soon.
  • That's political bilge and it's quite clear to anyone not obliged to make polically correct remarks that America is almost as polarized now as in the 60's or the Civil War. Its all part and parcel of the faith-based way our country is run now. We don't run on reality. Like it or lump it.
  • wasn't this his dnc speech, repeated verbatim?
  • I disagree - there's the America that stands for truth, justice, democracy, freedom, and a whole passel of high-minded ideals. And then there's the one we've got now.
  • Obama is a eunuch.
  • He's lying, and his rhetoric is 40 years old.
  • When we are true to the angels of our better nature, Obama is right. We haven't seen a lot of them lately, though.
  • He's lying, and his rhetoric is 40 years old. But it polls well and sounds so delicious on the news networks...
  • Hubert Humphries' reanimated corpse would poll well against Alan Keyes, Alex.
  • I don't know. Bush got reelected, so I no longer underestimate popular stupidity.
  • Tut, tut -- a pretty speech. I like Obama enough to believe that he doesn't believe this, and knows much better. But hey, he just got elected, and it's customary to say nice things at such a time. It's like the sweet stuff people say in front of the crowd at their weddings -- a year before the divorce. He's making nicey-nice. I'd wager that, inside, he's as pissed off as hell.
  • is he talking multiculturalism vs melting pot? or was it a rejection of the divisive, *ahem*, wedge politics espoused and propagated by the GOP of late?
  • Tut, tut -- a pretty speech. I like Obama enough to believe that he doesn't believe this, and knows much better. But hey, he just got elected, and it's customary to say nice things at such a time. It's like the sweet stuff people say in front of the crowd at their weddings -- a year before the divorce. He's making nicey-nice. I'd wager that, inside, he's as pissed off as hell.
  • I'd wager that inside he doesn't give a fuck. Give him a year or two in the senate and he'll become the pride and joy of the Bootlickratic Party.
  • It's a pep talk. Its a damn good pep talk. It was given in an appropriate venue. It reminds us that our national ideals are attainable at the best of times. It reminds us to keep our eyes on the prize. What the hell is wrong with that?
  • What prize? There is no prize. America is a right-wing nation. It prizes god and gun and kills gays dead. Well deserved prizes those, if you ask me.
  • Tut, tut -- a pretty speech. I like Obama enough to believe that he doesn't believe this, and knows much better. But hey, he just got elected, and it's customary to say nice things at such a time. It's like the sweet stuff people say in front of the crowd at their weddings -- a year before the divorce. He's making nicey-nice. I'd wager that, inside, he's as pissed off as hell.
  • I think he's looking beyond being pissed off as hell.
  • And Silky Slim, It IS his speech to the DNC, its a transcript. At the bottom of the page he talks about "John Kerry in November."
  • I love Barack. I'm gonna keep a very close watch on him, and see what he thinks a couple of years from now. Two years later (shy one day, sorry): Obama, McCain hit the hustings two years early
  • Bring hither the Barack Hussein Obama FPP! *clap!* *clap!*
  • CNN allegedly "debunks" right-wing claim that Hussein Barack Obama attended a madrassa while living in Indonesia as a youth. (which said right-wing-nuts claimed was unearthed by Sen. Hillary Clinton's research team). *go team!* *go!* *Give us an H!* H! *Give us an U!* U! *Give us a double S!* SS! *Give us an E!* E! *Give us an I!* I! *Give us a N!* N! *What's that spell??!!* HUSSEIN! RAH! Hoo! hoo! hoo! hoo! Jeez, let the games begin...
  • Aaaaand... we're off!
  • *readies the new-and-improved Bi-partisan Lexan Mud Shield* 2008 will not be here soon enough, I'm afraid.
  • Barack's star power The cocktail reception is expected to bring in over $1 million dollars. Among those contributing $2,300 (the allowable maximum donation) are actors Jennifer Aniston, Denzel Washington, Eddie Murphy, Tom Hanks and even Bruce Willis.