October 30, 2004

This pamphlet, found in Milwaukee, really ticked me off. [Via this post at Creek Running North]
  • It's kind of like this Onion article. Only not funny.
  • Remove the final "v" from the "this post" link.
  • It must be a joke....mustn't it? It's just so extreme, so over the top.
  • Well, if you buy into this shit, you're not exactly the most informed voter. But that said, I would be all for having the guilty party behind this drawn, quartered and raped by a twelve headed demon. After all, I'm sure this is the tip of the iceberg in this case. I don't really blame the folk who get fooled by this, but the correct info is out there...
  • That's no pamphlet, that's a flyer! I'm still sending it around though, 'cause it's what I like to call evidence. Thank you.
  • I'm sure the FBI is aggressively pursing the matter as we speak.
  • And no-one is surprised, which is the depressing thing.
  • I'm the guiulty parties will be brought to justice.
  • Ah hah! A confession! Why'd you do it, meh? Why?
  • thanks for the html correction. how the hell did i do that?
  • Curses! Caught, by a type-o of my own machination! How ironic! Curse you, lack of the word 'sure'! You've foiled my plans YET AGAIN! And curse YOU, you meddling DrPresAmerica, for your... meddling. I'll get you next time, impossibly gullible voters. Next time!
  • (And you would have gotten away with it, too, if it weren't for those meddling kids!)
  • Doing this kind of thing should be on a par with treason, in terms of potential legal penalty, since this is an absolute betrayal of the spirit of democracy.
  • thanks for the html correction. how the hell did i do that? i'm guessing you pressed Control + V to paste the link, lifted your left pinky/index finger from the keyboard, but still had the "V" button pressed down, long enough for the letter to then appear in the text box, after your pasted link.
  • But wait, there's more...
  • (And you would have gotten away with it, too, if it weren't for those meddling monkeys!)
  • This has been showing up on phone poles around Seattle. Bastards.
  • "For goodness sake"? "Our little fingers are raw to the bone from voting for it"?? Yeah, that sounds like hardcore anarchists talkin'! Jeez, I'm losing all respect for the jackbooted thugs.
  • Why did you ever respect the jackbooted thugs?
  • They had nice boots.
  • I just saw President Clinton at a rally here in Little Rock last night. He mentioned these things, and the attempt elsewhere to convince people that all registration done by the NAACP was invalid. The room damn near exploded.