October 22, 2004

Guess whose birthday it is today...

Speaking, as we were, of Calendars, it seems only right that we should raise a glass to Time and Matter, which were born at 6pm (GMT, I believe, although this is unclear) 6007 years ago today. The Entirety of Creation followed six hours later at midnight, so it's unclear if its birthday should be celebrated today or tomorrow. Whatever - to the Earth, and to Archbishop Ussher, sláinte!

  • guardian says 6,000 years old. flashboy says 6,007 years old. Ima gonna go with 6,009 years old.
  • 4004 BC + 2004 AD - Year 0 (doesn't exist) = a sprightly, if fucked, 6007 years old. And how better to mark it than with INTERNATIONAL CAPS LOCK DAY!!!1!!1??
  • Personally, it's all about vanity and the Universe must be lying about its age. But it looks fabulous anyway.
  • No, wait, 6,008!!
  • Sorry for the mistaken link to a story about the Guardian letters thing. I meant this. That's what happens when I don't preview. (Deep sigh...) SORRY!!! I'LL STICK TO CELEBRATING CAPSLOCK DAY, IT'S EASIER. This was definitely not an attempt to bring up politics. Coulda been worse, coulda been pr0n I mistakenly linked to, I guess. Not that I read that, you understand. Oh dang, did it again.
  • gracias, flashboy! i'm practicing for the day after capslock day, since maybe it's like mardi gras and so we'll have to type in all l.c. for a long while afterwards lest we all look like lunatic usenet escapees.
  • This is sweet. My birthday is the 23rd too! (also Johnny Carson, Weird Al, and Pele) Happy birthday to me and the world!
  • Read on in the Guardian article - they talk about the "mistake". But all very cool.
  • happy birthday, drjimmy!
  • I bet the Universe's friends really dread shopping for him becase... [wait for punchline] .... .... .... .... he already has everything.
  • Bah-dum! Happy birthday for tomorrow, Dr. Jim!
  • Many happy returns drjimmy and especially, the Universe.
  • And I thought the only celebrity worth caring about who had the same birthday as me was Jeff Goldblum. Reminds me of my favorite thing to scribble on birthday cards: Forget about the future, you can't predict it. Forget about the past, you can't change it. Forget about the present, we didn't get you one! Happy birthday, Universe! I'd have invited you to my party, but I didn't have one.
  • Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday Dear Uni...... Crap.. it's still under copyright... Damn you Ms. Hill! Damn you to Hell!
  • My birthday is the 23rd too! hey, me too! happy birthday drjimmy.
  • Is it appropriate to add the "You smell like a monkey, and you look like one too" line to the singing of the happiness of your birthday??
  • /buys archbishop ussher's cadaver an iPod
  • By my mental calculations, Flashboy's right. On This grand day in 4004BC, God said "Boo" and boo happened. A year later, it was October 4003BC, 4003 years later, it was 1BC, and the next year, the universe was 4004 years old, on 1AD. Remember, there's no year 0. So on October 22, 1AD, the universe was 4004, and add 2003 years to that and it's now! October 22, 2004, a whopping 6007 years of age. Bishop Ussher would be proud.
  • So, British geologists who will have nothing to do with this kind of thiking will still (well, adjusted for time zones, already have) celebrate the non-event. They all would have lost their jobs in the U.S., under President Bush's Faith Based Science Initiative...
  • Happy Birthday drjimmy and goddam. Mine was the 19th. So the Universe is a Libra? Now it all makes sense, flirtatious, indecisive and changeable...
  • No, Suomynona, it is not. The line is obviously suposed to be, "You look like a monkey, and you smell like one too!"
  • How did God measure the days until the fourth day, when he actually made the Sun & Moon & Stars? Answer: Digital Watch.
  • Oooo... it's been a while. Tanks for the correction jb
  • What a cute bunch of simian birthday kids. Have a piece of banana cake and a glass of cockpunch.
  • You're welcome. After all, we must maintain our immaturity at a very high standard.