October 18, 2004

What the hell am I doing here? Lovely little flash animation for Radiohead's Creep. It really... grows on you.

Also, note the amusing removal of the word "fucking".

  • 'very' nice
  • Brilliant. I think that might be the best piece of Flash animation I've ever seen, and while most of it's been absolute crap and barely qualifies as animation at all, I've seen a lot of it.
  • )!
  • Thanks! More animations at low morale.
  • good stuff.
  • That was great. flashboy, the US single had "fucking" removed, though both versions were on the album. I actually prefer the sanitized version, it sounds more sad than bitter.
  • I had an idea like that a while ago, but never had the time or skill to do it. Damn.
  • Did they change the words for the acoustic version? I seem to remember "loser" in the refrain - but this version is "little"? It's just that the round sound of "loser" fit so well with the music in that line.
  • I've always loved the way Thom just goes for it in that acoustic version. If I remember right it was a live perfomance on US radio, which is why "fucking" got changed to "very." The flash is amazing. I confess to getting a but choked up.