September 17, 2004

It's Monkey Week at

Wam monkeys we are best friend everyday is lucky great happy go lucky

  • This image is interesting because in most input method extensions (IME) you would type "shitthingu" to get that katakana version of "sitting".
  • i'm not taking a stand or anything, but i'd like to say that despite the fact that this site is named monkeyfilter, i have no particular interest in monkeys, beyond the inherent amusingness of monkeys. i guess what i'm saying is a link doesn't become better to me just because it has simian content. i'm glad to hear that is having monkey week though.
  • "...a link doesn't become better to me just because it has simian content." Always with the negative vibes.
  • ook? *grooms sutureself*
  • What Nostril say. and CALM DOWN MONKEY You look happy today K.
  • Calm down monkey. Thanks, jacbo never seen this site. and it is super happy fun!
  • I visit Engrish everyday and I am forever amused buy it. Sorry for ruing your day Sutureself. I have seen Engrish on mofi a few times before and I thought that my fellow simians might enjoy some monkey based language translation fun. I might dangle and take the easy way out. But then I remember that it is better to shoot self in head, like rockstar.
  • Suggestion: next time, search for one of the older threads and add to the bottom - it'll show up in the sidebar as a new comment.
  • well. suit yourself, sutureself.
  • Hmm, very astute suggetion Tracicle. I did think of it, but I rarley notice the sidebar myself, so I was selfish a decided on a new post. Part of the reason I never post to anything is this problem. Oh well, back to lurking.
  • Randon Engrish slogan generator. Wonder this gift? Hot team is tender because of this timeful heart.
  • Banana!
  • Oh forget I said that.