July 23, 2004

One more reason I won't be joining the military any time soon. US military have developed a dried food ration that troops can hydrate by adding the filthiest of muddy swamp water or even peeing on it. I can see the benefits of these rations, and the science behind the packaging is amazing but it's still disgusting.

I hope this isn't a double post. This link didn't turn up after doing a quick search, however there seems to be an exorbitant number of urine related posts on this site. You people are sick.

  • "You people are sick." Hmm. Fair critique. Particularly from a person with the nym of Onanist. Welcome home! Anyway, the posts you speak of were from Urine Day. So it was ok. Although I admit, the plethora of piss posts started to worry even me after they really got going, and I truly am a sick motherfux0r. Mind you, with piss, once the flow starts, it's always rather difficult to stop. As for the content of this post, I don't recall seeing it here before, but I did peruse the issue (hehe) on other sites earlier today. In fact, I pored over the subject. :D To be honest, it sounds like one of those crazy-ass ideas that will suck up taxpayer money in R&D but never actually work. Like, you know, let's send up a million balloons with bombs tied to them in hopes they'll hit our enemies. Or dolphins with mines tied to their noses. Soldiers will rely on tried and tested methods of getting their essential water that have proved effective in combat zones for centuries - like from liquor or the veins of vanquished enemies. Hooray!!
  • what a novel idea. Seeing as how the MRE's (Meals Ready to Eat) they have now are foul as foul can be, what better way to raise individual moral than being able to actually "piss on this crappy food they sent me out in the field with." On a side note Canadian IMP's (Individual Meal Packs) are quite tasty, enough so that I've seen Brit' and Yank soldiers actually try and trade gear for boxes of rations.
  • this story's been flowing around the net for a couple days now, and every time I see it, I am reminded of the ad i once saw on Channel M in Manhattan for 1-550-PEEE... the extra e is for extra pee. *coughs, backs away slowly*
  • Everybody's focusing on the urine aspect because it's a big pee-pee tee-hee. Think instead sea water, fouled water, Giardia-infested water. These would be just the ticket for emergency lifeboat rations. squeak, did you ever eat the Vietnam-era C-ration? The MRE is a fresh fruit basket by comparison. Not that I'd subsist on either by choice.
  • My dad enlisted as an officer in the Marines when he was in college. (Between Korea and Vietnam. It was either that or get drafted by the Army as a grunt.) At one point his unit was on manuevers on some goat-infested island off the coast of California, and all they had to eat was C-rations. My dad is a practical sort. He grabbed a jeep, and he and his driver went goat hunting, safari style. He said the goat meat was terrible, but it tasted better than the C-rations.
  • Monkeys know that trick for years... [QT] [NSFW]
  • LOL mare that's great, thanks.