June 01, 2004

Bremer threatens to veto Iraqis' choice of president I thought folks were supposed to be FREE to elect who they wanted...Can someone explain this imposed democracy thing?

Is this kinda what's happening in our country without us being aware of it? Can someone veto the USA's "choice" of president? Please?

  • "I thought folks were supposed to be FREE to elect who they wanted.." You're foolin' yourself. We're livin' in a dictatorship! A self-perpetuating autocracy in which the working classes... "Can someone veto the USA's "choice" of president?" They already did. That's how come you got Bush.
  • They are free to choose their leaders just like the Jews were free to have Herod as their King.
  • They're supposed to have real elections in January, but this peek at how Bremer & Co. view the interim government is still disconcerting.
  • Some democracies are more equal than others.
  • That's how come you got Bush. Sad, but true. Sometimes you gotta laugh to keep from cryin'.
  • I think there's democracy, and then there's Democracy. The former is hard to find, whereas the latter is routinely re-defined to mean anything milder than an out and out police state.
  • From the BBC: Yawer appointed Iraqi president. No word on whether Bremer will veto the decision, but Pachachi is said to have declined the position.
  • An 81 year old????!!! Are they kiddin'? ...but Pachachi is said to have declined the position. Gee, I wonder why?