May 25, 2004

Crime: Texas style We're number one! We're number one! Eat that, L.A.!

Dallas. Y'all may have thought that the JR Ewing shooting was the only crime in the Big D (that and all those Super Bowl wins). WRONG! We've got guns, and ain't afraid of using them. YEEEEHAW! 6 years strait!

  • I've got a feeling the low murder rate referenced in the article has something to do with the Texas law stating that trespassers can be shot. After all, if the killing isn't reported as a crime...
  • "Yeehaw! 6 years strait" = Freudian slip?
  • I scared of Texas.
  • straight. Nope. Well... maybe. Sure, why not? can I blame it on my fingers?
  • Robocop was supposed to be about Detroit but was filmed in Dallas. Now Dallas has eclipsed Detroit for overall crime. Ah, the irony!
  • Sheridan knew about Texas, and spoke highly of hell by contrast, if I recall aright.
  • Clarification re Sheridan-- Phil not Richard.