May 24, 2004

High Quality Football Logos! .Download 'em! Collect 'em! (...and I don't even LIKE football! But I do like these logos).
  • Get 'em while you can. If the soccer leagues are anything like the NHL was when I worked there, these things may not be up long.
  • Especially with these credits. They call the people who scanned them and converted them into line art 'artists'. Like they were the designers of these logo's.
  • Diz, sir, I just want to give you much love for using the term "football" accurately. Thank you, thank you, and on behalf of The Football Association (England), I apologise for there being No Logos. Except for Arsenal. Which in many ways is only fair, given the season we've just had... *still refusing to acknowledge the word "soccer".* /alienating fans of American and Aussie Rules Football
  • I downloaded River Plate's logo and it now happily resides as the desktop patern on my flatscreen monitor. Neato! BTW, for some of us it's neither "soccer" or "football", but FUTBOL!
  • Which in many ways is only fair, given the season we've just had... Yes indeed, not too shabby!
  • as long as we're sharing logos, be sure to check out the best brands of the world and for all your culture-jamming needs...
  • chriss--- tres cool reference! (and your website rocks!)
  • I'd just like to clarify that "we've" was a bizarre typing error on my part. I meant "they've"; I don't support Arsenal... (perhaps wishful thinking, as Nottingham Forest had, ahem, a less than great season.)
  • Heh. I clicked the link thinking "Cool! High quality football logos". I closed the browser thinking "Cool! High quality soccer logos".
  • jim_t: me, too. And then I thought "I wish I followed soccer."