April 27, 2004

Uslu Airlines: Witness the make-up revolution. New York-based makeup artist Feride Uslu has introduced a new technique of applying make-up: pour the colors into a graphic artist's airbrushing machine, and then spray it onto skin in a fine mist. For an initial fee of $800 USD (refills and new colors are additional), you could possibly look like this. Knock-offs have already saturated the market.
  • ...Reminds me of Pris in "Blade Runner'.
  • I didn't research this question: i wonder what kind of solvent you would use to take this crap off your face at night? turpintine?
  • Damn you Dizzy, you can read my mind, right? And type faster, too...
  • any one who's ever wanted to look like Priss from Bladerunner's already done this.
  • "Homer! You've got it set to whore!"
  • crap! Dizzy's taught me the danger of spacing out and actually working before I comment :(
  • Though i know exactly Kimberly's allusion, am i an asshole because i've never seen bladerunner?
  • Nax; send me your address and I'll send you a copy for free. "tis THAT GOOD.
  • Dizzy, i'll just buy the dvd this weekend on your recommendation...that was very kind of you, btw. Can you send me a pony, tho?
  • A pony keg, mebbee.? ps have you seen "Naked Lunch"? another classic. but you can just rent that one..
  • i don't rent porn! no actually, i know of it, but have never seen it. dizzy, did we ever do a 'curious george' movie recommendation thread? if not, maybe this is the time to start...
  • this reminds me of tattooed makeup...
  • Hey SideDish- my assistant has that. Tattooed eyeliner! (I cannot imagine having my **eyelids** tattooed...)
  • ambrosia, does she (or he?) like it? and does it look nice? i always wondered about that.
  • Nax; Lets! It'll be the first joint Nax-Diz.com venture...
  • Ad agencies usually show only their best work, but here is this company advertising its mistakes.
  • Nax-- I couldn't wait--look at the front page. Hope you like..
  • SideDish- yes, she likes it. She and her Mom went together when my assistant was 18, and it looks just like regular eyeliner. She worked for me for a year before the subject even came up, so it's not obvious at all.
  • This is horrifying. Some of it looks nice, though, but definitely not worth the money.
  • Why do most of them look as though their eyes hurt?
  • It's just a repackaged technique that's been used for years by the makeup industry. All this is is a more consumer accesible version. Far from a "revolution". Get a standard air brush, put normal liquid makeup in the bottle and kablammo, you've got this thing. No turps needed, just normal stuff to take it off. Heh, I said take it off.
  • So what happens after you breathe in the makeup? I don't know what's in makeup, but I doubt it's anything you want in your lungs.