April 27, 2004

Control a remote arm in a lab over the internet. Perhaps build a tower. Take over the world. Unpeel a banana.
  • Meh. A single freakin' cube to play with. How about half a dozen? A ball to topple them? A cup? At least a kitten to strangle?
  • uhh... about that cube... i think i knocked it out of reach. sorry!
  • yeah, but, uh... where's the chicken (rim-shot). [on preview, Wedge: i'm going to KILL you. I NEED TO BUILD A TOWER!!]
  • techno-dummy here. i couldn't get it to do anything, even after reading the info. then another user would get in ahead of me. i'm going to weed my garden instead...sans robot arm.
  • It looks to be like somebody broke it unplugged it gave it a break? It's definitely able to move...