September 23, 2008

Dead horse found on 12th floor of apartment block - Police in Serbia called to investigate a strange smell in a block of flats found a horse jammed into a ventilation shaft 12 storeys up. How rare. I can only find this on the NZ site, NY Post and Ananova which is probably the source for the other organs, and not especially known for its reliability. Then again I can find nothing that damns anything from its pages as utter shite, so who knows?
  • I bet it was a right 'mare to get up the stairs.
  • But it really bridles when someone does something like this.
  • I'd hate to be saddled with the clean-up bill.
  • Delta.
  • Reminds me of a scene from this movie, where the kids are trying to get the horse into the apartment.
  • Someone's going to end up being the whipping boy over this.
  • The cops must be chomping at the bit to catch the culprit.
  • A lovers corral gone awry?
  • Can we rein in all these bad puns and trot them back to the stable?
  • Isn't Ananova like the Russian National Enquirer?
  • Neigh.
  • No need for the long face.
  • A literal case of the one-trick pony.
  • Well, I thought I'd add to the quine puns, but that would just be beating a... Oh, never mind.
  • i've heard of being high on one's horse, but i am not so sure about one's horse being so high?
  • The "mane" thing is not to "stirr-up" trouble for those "who-f"ought to keep this quiet.
  • Clearly, bottoming for this horse went very, very wrong...
  • It would be-hoof you to rein in your horse-teria over this. I practically had to shout myself s filly to be herd over your hackneyed jokes. Let's see if we can'ter-minate this discussion. I just hope the carcass wasn't so rotten they had to chevel it outta there. It'll be a colt day in hell when this happens again.
  • It wasn't me. I'm still alive. Barely.
  • They'll probably need a canter-lever to get it out.
  • Thank heaven, mare. We were worried. Sorry to hear you're feeling down. Keep your k-nickers up sweetie! Now, can everyone please de-cease and decist from these rotten stinky puns before I get RIP-pin' mad? If you have any more articles like this, I'll take a pass on them. You people will be the death of me.
  • I vote nay.
  • So was the horse actually killed in Serbia, or was it Seattle-slew?
  • TUM FTW Although I wouldn't be proud of it.