August 19, 2008

BASEL GANGLIONS? What's under doc?
  • Fine talent - wish I had such time to kill!
  • How could an animal with any kind of endoskeleton move like this? Of course, we've seen that their bones are particularly bendy and supple. Must be mostly cartilage. BTW, "Basil Ganglion" would be a great name for a cartoon character.
  • Like 3-D versions of those drawings someone did a while ago. *can't be bothered googling*
  • Bendy and Supple--that was a funny comedy pair.
  • Yeah, the other drawings were posted here, like, twice or something, cos I remember whinging on about them. This artist has ripped off the idea, but at least he didn't include the Shmoo like the other guy, which I objected to because the SHMOO HAS NO FUCKING BONES FOR CHRISTS SAKE
  • Hehe, I always call little babies "Schmooey" 'cause they feel like they gots no bones.
  • Shurly shmoos have cartilage?