June 21, 2008

Curious Banditsnatch So, the birdfeeder seems to be conspicuously empty in the mornings - how to ID the culprit?

This afternoon I discovered some poo nearby that a googling confirms is probably raccoon work. But I would like to see footprints as confirmation - other than wet latex paint on the railing that leads to the feeder, what can I use that will show tracks and yet be harmless? It is very humid and coolish here tonight, so powders are out.

  • Mud?
  • Dirt of some kind?
  • Dang, I'll be hard pressed to find any dirt round these parts. But it seems a good suggestion, Capt.
  • There are these devices you can get, I believe they are called cameras. You could probably hire a trailcam type dealio that snaps off a picture when something disturbs the trigger or however they work. But, frankly.. why are you concerned? Just put food out during the day. Most birds eating from your feeder are gonna be diurnal, and racoons etc are nocturnal. Unless it's a squirl.
  • Imported dirt has been deployed. Not concerned, just curious, and pawprints would be kewl, is all. I don't see the need to get into heavy-duty shutter releases, but thanks anyway.
  • Talcum powder.
  • Make a tiny guest book and leave it there with a pencil.
  • how about a Howitzer and a trip line?
  • You need David Caruso and his sunglasses to solve this problem.
  • fish tick googled poo!
  • Sounds like a job for the very earnest Wisiniewskis
  • Acme heavy duty glue.
  • Rocket powered roller skates?
  • *readies rope, pulley and anvil*
  • Different setup for the birdfeeder.
  • Got 'em.
  • Looks like elephant. Careful not to shoot him on your property, unless you've got a backhoe and flatbed trailer to get rid of the carcass. Wait til he's out in the street, then the city can take care of it. Good luck!
  • Obviously a Llama.
  • ACK! Obviously it's human. I would say, small, due to the size--constipated, due to the desire for more natural grain roughage, and nekked--because it's obviously El Queso!
  • I live in a heavily-wooded rural area myself. I have found that the answer to any mystery animal question is: raccoons. Who climbed into my car through the open window and ate the McDonalds wrapper? Raccoons. Who bashed a giant dent into the neighbors' chain link fence and then climbed over and ate all the duck eggs? Raccoons. Who jumped onto my roof and attempted to claw through the bedroom wall in the middle of the night? Raccoons. Who pulled up every single pea plant in the garden and left it lying there in the dirt for no apparent reason? Raccoons. I wouldn't be at all surprised to learn that "raccoons" was the answer to larger questions as well. Who's responsible for the mortgage crisis? Who planted false evidence about WMDs in Iraq? Who convinced the US government to subsidize corn to such an extent that HFCS is now being used in everything? RACCOONS.
  • Judging by the handprint...that's a 'coon.
  • mechagrue is right. It's always coons. I had a pair of big coons when I lived in the woods that had a giant litter of other coons. There is nothing the little (and the huge) bastards wouldn't do. Seriously. Don't ever live in the woods and think it's a good idea to camp out in your idyllic, woodsy backyard. Even if you have not a crumb of food within 100 yards of said tent, you will still awake to snarling, creepy long-clawed shadows on the walls, and eventually, outside coming in as your expensive tent is shredded to ribbons. They have no shame, and no fear. I have turned the hose on Mr. and Mrs. and the fivetuplets more times than I care to count, and they just stand there making faces.
  • Raccoons? Bah. They've never shown any interest in the feeders in our neighbourhood, just the garbage and the green bins. I say it's the GIANT SQUIRRELS!!!. Except you only have the little ones out in your part of the world. How big are your chipmunks?
  • I know it's raccoons. I can tell by the pixels. I am also aware of all internet traditions.
  • I highly recommend
  • Raccoons are to blame. Trust me. Even if they had to drive there from someone else's yard.
  • How big are your chipmunks? I say, that's a tad personal, innit? *clutches cardigan*
  • I for one would like to welcome our new raccoon overlords.
  • MonkeyFilter: They have no shame, and no fear MonkeyFilter: Q. How big are your chipmunks? A. I say, that's a tad personal
  • MonkeyFilter: This afternoon I discovered some poo
  • Oh, NuggetMaven, you and your crappy links. ;)