March 25, 2008

A Brief History of the Home Video Game Console From Odyssey to Wii
  • I lusted after all of these going back to original Pong, and eventually my old man finally broke down and bought an Odyssey2, due to it having an alpha keyboard and thus (in theory) was capable of being an actual computer. It kept me going until I got my Commodore64.
  • And my parents bought me none of these, doctor. :(
  • Great to see the old Mattel Intellivision console again. I had one of those and recall it fondly: it not only led to hours of low-quality virtual baseball, but also to high-quality actual sex with game and porn enthusiast Sandy Stellway. Sandy, I remember you, wherever you are.
  • My Dad had the Odyssey, you had to stick colored film to the screen with static if you wanted to play. I barely remember it. My parents were divorced, so I didn't get a lot of game time. Get this: He also had a bear skin rug, a furry watercouch, a bumper pool table and some weird 8 track cassette recorder as he tooled around in a bright red Fiat Marchello Spyder. He also used to go skiing with Playboy Bunnies from the club and wore a handlebar mustache. bad the woman he ended up eventually marrying was a cunt.
  • Could you rephrase that last comment?
  • Surely it's to [sic] bad the first one had ovaries?
  • Dig that wood paneling. Man, when is that coming back in style?
  • quack quack quack