December 28, 2007

  • I suppose I shouldn't laugh, but it's been a rough day. thanks homunculus!
  • That drawing of the baby with its head stuck in the stroller netting always makes me laugh. God damn, I am truly a horrible person.
  • Holy crap, that baby is funny. Cheese cat never ceases to make me giggle, either.
  • Thing is's a drawing of a baby, not a real baby so you can laugh all you want. In the event of a live baby you could really think of it as Darwin taking care of business early. I think Death should be mocked. Especially mine when it happens.
  • *readies camera*
  • I've said it before, and I'll say it again. No matter how cute and funny you thought it sounded when you were filling in the paperwork, never, never give your boat a name that would sound ridiculous in a distress signal.
  • More in a similar vein (however you spell that) found using a Google search for 'fail'.
  • Even more at the epic macrochan.
  • Thank god I have you guys to keep me in the loop. I just found out what lolcats are, so I think my internets education is progressing nicely.
  • I have now found my perfect epitaph. "FAIL". thxintrnetsbye4evr.
  • *looks slantwise at yentruoc* Whoa, glad to have you back from that deserted island then!
  • Hilarious. Forgot to post last night. Enhanced by a few wonderful porter ales, I laughed my way through them. splice: thanks for the macrochan link as well. Easily just as much fun!
  • Was there a time before lolcats? I forget.